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Translation of 6.6.x - Development: Afrikaans

Prio Original string Translation
Synced pattern created: %s Gesinkroniseerde Patroom geskep: %s Details
Synced pattern created: %s

%s: the name the user has given to the pattern.


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Unsynced pattern created: %s Ongesinkroniseerde Patroon gekep: %s Details
Unsynced pattern created: %s

%s: the name the user has given to the pattern.


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Untitled pattern block Ongetitelde Patroon blok Details
Untitled pattern block

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Invalid pattern JSON file Ongeldige Patroon JSON lêer Details
Invalid pattern JSON file

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Author Biography
block title
Bydrae se Outeur se Biografie Details
Author Biography

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Displays a title with the number of comments.
block description
Vertoon 'n titel met die aantal opmerkings Details
Displays a title with the number of comments.
Context block description

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Add a user’s avatar.
block description
Voeg 'n gebruiker se avatar by. Details
Add a user’s avatar.
Context block description

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Choose a different style combination for the theme styles. Kies 'n verskillende stylkombinasie vir die tema style Details
Choose a different style combination for the theme styles.

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This Navigation Menu is empty. Navigasie Kieslys is leeg. Details
This Navigation Menu is empty.

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Insert a link to a post or page. Voeg 'n skakel by 'n bydrae of bladsy Details
Insert a link to a post or page.

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Comments Form
block title
Opmerkingleweringsvorm Details
Comments Form

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Changes requested
With warnings

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