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Translation of Administration: Afrikaans

Prio Original string Translation
Sorry, you are not allowed to edit the links for this site. Jammer, jy word nie toegelaat om die skakels te wysig vir hierdie webwerf nie. Details
Sorry, you are not allowed to edit the links for this site.

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(Private post) (Private pos) Details
(Private post)

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Credits Krediete Details
Cofounder, Project Lead Medestigter, Projekleier Details
Cofounder, Project Lead

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Project Leaders Projekleiers Details
Project Leaders

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All content Alle inhoud Details
All content

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Authors: Skrywers: Details

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Activate Plugin & Run Importer Aktiveer Plugin & Hardloop Invoerder Details
Activate Plugin & Run Importer

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Start date: Begin datum: Details
Start date:

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With warnings

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