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Translation of Stable (latest release): Bulgarian

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Prio Original string Translation
Not Required Незадължително Details
Not Required

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Required Задължително Details
Multiple Files? Повече от един файл? Details
Multiple Files?

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Reset to default Фабрични настройки Details
Reset to default

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Validation Валидация Details
Priority Приоритет Details
Type Тип Details
%s %s Details
N/A N/A Details
Field Label Име на поле Details
WP Editor WP Редактор Details
WP Editor

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Textarea Текстово поле Details
Term Select Избор на термин Details
Term Select

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Term Multiselect Избор на повече от един термин Details
Term Multiselect

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Repeated Повтарящ се Details

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Changes requested
With warnings
1 2 3 21

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