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Translation of Stable (latest release): Vietnamese

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Select Category: Chọn danh mục: Details
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Course Category: Danh mục khóa học: Details
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Show post counts Hiển thị số bài viết Details
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Number of Categories (optional): Số danh mục (tùy chọn): Details
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New Lessons Bài học mới Details
New Lessons

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My Active Courses Hoạt động của bạn Details
My Active Courses

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My Completed Courses Khóa học đã hoàn thành Details
My Completed Courses

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You have no completed courses. Bạn chưa hoàn thành khóa học nào. Details
You have no completed courses.

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You have no courses. Bạn chưa có khóa học nào. Details
You have no courses.

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You have no featured courses. Bạn chưa có khóa học nổi bật nào. Details
You have no featured courses.

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Show all teachers Xem tất cả giáo viên Details
Show all teachers

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New course created by Khóa học mới tạo bởi Details
New course created by

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New course created. Đã tạo khóa học mới. Details
New course created.

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