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Epic Game and Story Telling! I was blown away! I can't wait to check out your other games! 


This game was an intresting gameplay trying figure out whats going on  and the lore of this realm of insects  that took over dead earth .  

What I would like to see is a game that takes place before the take over and how it got to that point .


This was such a fun game! It got me a couple times haha. Around the 20min mark was the best scare!

Got a page setup for this game and did a run! 


this is very very cool! nice run! 


like the gore


me too


you game was so good when i was streaming lol

i love our litte mantis brother




Pretty cool game man, I enjoyed it.


such a cool concept


Interesting game looking forward to play more of your games


Interesting game, enjoyed it!




Loved everything about this. The scorched, apparently uninhabitable surface world, the giant bugs, the underground lab, the weird experiments, the witch who constantly speaks in cryptic, the bizarre cut scenes in between chapters, the mystery behind practically nothing that happens really being explained at all which leaves wondering after it's over. The whole thing is a really surreal, unique experience. 10/10

thanks so much! 


Ate some dead bodies, got aids :D

Would recommend 10/10


This was so awesome, the style and the story of it (the less you know the more interesting it becomes) made it extraordinary.



I really liked the style and presentation of this game. The grimy textures, hovering insects, the witch’s dialogue. My favourite part is the autopsy menu, the poor-quality static image of the corpse alongside that piece of music was immaculate. I’d honestly be interested in a game where that component was the entire domain. The body horror and transformation stuff was really cool too, though I think it’s kind of a shame we don’t get to witness as much of the final stage of transformation. I enjoyed playing this game. I hope you got what you wanted from making it, and that you keep finding inspiration with your future projects. <3


Looks great but I'm a little confused, for lack of a better term.
Is the game meant to have any connection with Vita Carnis, or are the similarities coincidental? There is an organization within that lore called C.A.R.C.A.S.S who use a red rib cage for a logo, and the whole story is about meat. Anyway, keep it up!


Okay, I really liked that one. This creepy, dystopian body horror is amazing! I enjoyed the weirdness and the notions of storytelling. Also, I quite liked being called a little lamb :3

Three points of criticism. Well, two and a half, really.
The game has a few writing errors, mainly wrong use of caps and genitive. Also, the notes say that you need the stomach of the bodies when instead you need the liver. That was quite confusing at first^^
And the final point of criticism is that I couldn't tell the Witch that I love her when she asked me :c


Fun game. Little confusing tho, lol



i stg if this mannequin moves one more time


pretty gud i was scawed


Really love the world and the creepy concept! Don't like eating bad flesh

Epic Game and Story Telling! I was blown away! I can't wait to check out your other games! 


I'd love to see more stuff set in this universe, it's super interesting to me


I’m not sure what I was expecting, but it certainly wasn’t what I got! The story to this game is great and definitely unique!


Good game.


I really enjoyed the game! I´m sorry if I made the video in spanish but is my first language. REALLY COOL!

idk what i played but it was well made


Would love to work with you! I am a music composer and would absolutely love to make you soundtracks, ambiances ect...


took me a bit to realize that I could actually eat the livers. I wasn't sure because the note/master only said the stomach and i never saw one. fun game


jogo Muito interessante ! o conceito dele a historia por mais pequena que seja eh muito envolvente ! Parabens Gostei muito do que joguei fiz um video no meu canal Ytquikjoga


It was a beautiful game that drew me in. What I like about it is that there are many elements that make you consider things such as the identity of the insects and the purpose of the witch.

I just uploaded a gameplay video with Japanese subtitles.

(1 edit) (+2)

A very interesting little game, and a cool concept. I did stream myself playing it, but feel free to delete this if self-promo isn't allowed.


You're all good! Appreciate you checking it out and making a vid!


Wow, fantastic game! I had a blast playing it! I always love Sci-Fi horror! 


My famous last words: "What the fuck is that ugly thing."

I really enjoyed this game, the maniquennes were the only thing that scared my though. However, I love the story and the gameplay. Easy solid 5/5 from me


Thanks so much!


Epic Game and Story Telling! I was blown away! I can't wait to check out your other games! 

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