


visdev, illustration, comics, doodles :)
Anonymous asked:

your art is so delicious

I’m so sorry that I’m replying so late omg 😭 but thank you so much!! 🙇🙇🙇

Anonymous asked:

Hi do you use composition in your art? I’m trying to figure it out so I’m curious if you do

So sorry I’m late to this! 😭

To be completely honest, I don’t really feel like I have a great grasp of composition? I’ve done a lot of notan studies of famous paintings and movie screenshots, but I still have a lot of trouble grasping how to do it well in my own work.

Some principles that have kinda helped are:

- making sure your piece has a strong initial read (good litmus test is seeing if reducing your composition to only black and white shapes still conveys your intention)

- simple value structure (making sure your darks, midtones, and lights are clearly separated)

- simplification (don’t go overboard with the complexity of what you’re trying to convey; even if the piece itself has a lot of elements, the way to make it still clear/coherent is to establish a strong hierarchy and group your objects with value, shape, and/or color; also, constructing a strong flow for the eye in the piece by composing the elements in a way that supports/directs the viewer toward the primary subject)

Honestly, I’m still working on these things and also trying to develop my own sensibilities, so I’m really not a great person to consult for this stuff 😔

But here’s to both of us continuing to work on our composition 🤝✨

Anonymous asked:


i cant make sense out of those last few panels😭

One translator said it had something to do with a legal loophole in pachinko. You win a "special prize" that isn't money on pachinko so its legal and then go trade it for money on another store

Source: x.com

whatever whatever whatever im not obsessed with them

also giving beca more tattoos and piercings bc they stripped her off her alt and i think it should come back idc

she can b a dorky nerd, someone w tattoos and a grungy wardrobe, and an adult w a successful career all at once


While you’re busy scrolling the timeline you can spend a few seconds to help us, My family and I are so close to achieving our goal and making this possible! So please spread the link everywhere. Yes we can do it together.






Hello 👋

My name is Noor, a mother of three from Gaza. We were forced to flee south due to the war, and my husband was injured in his shoulder. We have moved several times seeking safety. I have started a fundraising campaign to protect my children and family. We need your support to provide safety and basic needs.

Every donation, no matter how small, makes a significant difference. If you cannot donate, please help by sharing our story so it reaches those who can assist،.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart🌷.


hello tumblr.. anyone still into them?

i havent been able to draw for like a week bc art block+ arm injury idk, but i got pulled back into a bhloe hyperfixation like someone hooked their arm around my neck and slammed me down into a pool. been drowning ever since. and by drowning i mean binge reading fics and rewatching the movies and even trying to write smth of my own... and i caved and drew them too. not my best, my arm still aches and im still shaking off the art block but oh well

i hope u love it


takie niby dużo ale jednak nic czyli dokładnie na co mnie stać w niedzielę wieczór. tekst elsas song to kiedyś była moja numer jeden Mikita piosenka ale to było dawno i już tylko ten fragment tak 100% utożsamiam z Miką

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