Ring Side Report- RPG review of Legends of Uganda #1

Product– Legends of Uganda #1

System- DCC RPG

Producer– Sanctum Media

Price– $ 3.00 here https://goodman-games.com/store/product/legends-of-uganda-1-pdf/  

TL; DR-Solid new information from a new place in DCC.  98%

Basics– Let’s go somewhere I never expected DCC RPG to go!  Legends of Uganda does exactly what it says: it’s legends and lore from Uganda, providing monsters, mighty deeds, a new class, and weapons for the table to experience.

Mechanics or Crunch– This is a collection of new items for the table and honestly they feel like they fit.  All the new toys for both players and GMs all fit into the existing power scale of DCC RPG.  It’s fresh and new ideas that mesh well.  5/5

Theme or Fluff– What’s here is new and it’s interesting.  Uganda is quite literally a world away from me. I have experience with Celtic folklore, Asian folklore, North and South American folklore, but I know a lot less about subSaharan African folklore.  This book brings in a number of fun new ideas that you can bring to bear at the table.  It would be very easy to do this disrespectfully, but this book treats the material and people with respect.  5/5

Execution-. This book is very well put together, but it has a few small issues.  The book reads well and has good art, but some things are missing.  There are four weapons, but they are in two different parts of the book.  There are multiple monsters, but they are scattered apart.  This isn’t a problem, but you can tell this was originally made from three different smaller PDFs put together.  The joining of three books without reorganization wouldn’t be a major issue if the book had bookmarks or hyperlinks to jump to sections.  This is a 3 dollar PDF that amazingly has over 30 pages.  Honestly, I’m impressed by how much is crammed in here!  Also, this has a completely new class, but no new spells.  I would expect a few new spells in this book.  Maybe in the sequel.   4.75/5

Summary– This book is new and fun!  I love learning about new stuff from new places.  There is nothing wrong with my 30+ Celtic adventures, but this book aims to show me something new and does it well.  New toys for both the GM and the player are balanced well.  The tone is respectful while keeping the material engaging.  My only issues are some organization and the lack of spells.  Show me some new magic from where you’re from and give me some hyperlinks, and I’d be thrilled.  But then again, I want to stress this is a 30+ page book, so it’s good value for money.  I’m looking forward to the next one in this series.  98%

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