Weekly Photo Challenge: On The Way

I spoke earlier in the week about an upcoming post I’ll be sharing on a photo shoot I did with an Ottawa chef. I’ll be sharing that post next week, and it will be the first in a series of shoots I have lined up with a local chef collective. In the meantime I thought I’d share a bit of an out take; an image I took on the way to me telling the story of how this chef works in one of five kitchens he manages in Ottawa.

wpc on the way

Though his eyes are obscured by the warming shelf, I think this image tells the story of the urgency and speed at which a top performing chef nimbly navigates his way around his kitchen. It was my first time inside a restaurant kitchen, and it was all I could do to be a fly on the wall, and stay out of the way of the kitchen and wait staff as they rushed in and out to take care of their customers.



  1. At the risk of sounding very repetitive, AMAZING shot! Absolutely love this, captures the kitchen craziness so well…. especially the way you got the back of the tickets/receipts!

    1. Hey Jess, thanks so much! You’ll have to come to Ottawa on your next trip to Canada. There is such an amazing food scene here that seems so genuine and non-competitive.

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