Endless Realms: Creature Compendium 5E (Kickstarter)

I’ve been a huge fan of Endless Realms since the moment I saw them at a convention. I saw the artwork, stopped dead in my tracks, and was hooked. As it turns out, it’s also a great game. Well, the gameplay isn’t terribly relevant for this particular CrowdFUNding Spotlight, since this time Lunar Games have taken their incredible Creature Compendium and retooled it with 5E stats.

I’m going to keep this brief, as I’ve written about the original version already. So here’s the important stuff:

Pledge levels start at $20 (CAD) for the PDF version of the book or $33 gets you the download, plus “at cost” print-on-demand codes, both through DriveThruRPG. That’s it.

I don’t love the P.o.D. model for Crowdfunding projects, but coming out of a challenging time of reduced income for small publishers and going into a challenging time of unpredictable cost increases for everyone, I feel like it’s going to be a thing we see more of going forward.

For add-ons you can grab yourself a printable set of creature standees, or a set of digital creature tokens, suitable for all your online gaming requirements.

Not available as an add-on (but easily available from Lunar Games elsewhere) is the original Endless Realms core rulebook, Creature Compendium, and other ER goodness. If this project does exceptionally well, maybe they will put out more 5E products, but once you have a taste of what the world of Lumis has for you, I hope you’ll try out the original system. It’s one of my favourites.

You can back the 5E edition of Endless Realms’ Creature Compendium on Kickstarter until June 26, 2022.

Until then, you can find Lunar Games and Endless Realms online at www.endlessrealms.ca or on Facebook at facebook.com/EndlessRealmsRPG.