
the fantasy fanwork collection


Art only blog @theiyahart mid-20s nerd and evil old man enthusiast, neurodivergence, languages, and cultures, ttrpgs, worldbuilding and character design are on the radio station of my brain 24/7 My DMs are always open for info-dumping about your niche interest!

✨️ Welcome! ✨️

My name is Elias, I am in my 20s and enjoy a bunch of stuff. Currently going by he/him.

I will try to participate in artfight this year for the first time!


You know what absolutely boggles my mind? That healthy people exist. Genuinely healthy people. No mental illness, no physical illness, no chronic illness. Just healthy. What a life that must be. 


"Zaharzht, mortal incarnation of Torog"

I mean that's a cool name, but it's so similar to the german word for dentist that Torog will now be "the dentist" to me.

"The dentist", my favourite fucked up tortle, mortal vessel of the Betrayer god of torturers.

["the god of torturers is a dentist" is such a funny idea. spicy, brilliant. And the symbol being arms reaching from a dark void, or perhaps INSIDE? You know like a dentist putting their fingers in your mouth? If they did this on purpose, that would be pretty cool.]


I almost forgot to mention: this woman came into the penguin enclosure with a KESTREL??? I said “oh my god is that an American Kestrel?” and she said “Yes! She was outside doing raptor education for the kids, but she doesn’t like to get rained on.”


#she was watching the penguins with what I will anthropomorphically project as skepticism


kestrel: i hate rained on!!

human: here is birds in water

kestrel: ......no.....


It’s finally time for another proper series- the Bells Hells in historical art styles!

First up is Saint Laudna with the tools of her martyrdom as stained glass. This is technically in the style of 19th century medieval revivalism.

I had a ton of fun studying stained glass techniques so I could replicate them while working on this. I specifically used a lot of (digital) sgraffito and back staining.

Fun fact- the “stain” in stained glass refers to silver stain, generally silver nitrate, which was used to build yellows on white glass, or greens on cobalt blue glass.


Oh my gods, Trists family members are potentially the ancestors of the Clay family. Which is why the Clays are descendents of champions of the matron of ravens. Purvan trained Trists children because Emhira asked him to bring them to safety. (Or they dedicated themselves to the Raven Queen because Emhira was the one to make sure they're safe or something)

Also Caduceus being a cleric of the wildmother is VERY meta in this instance. Like imagine playing the Cleric AND the deity while also being an elder god or something in the real world. Taliesin really does it all.

Like holy shit Trists children are the ancestors of the Clay bloodline. The Clay family now has connections to the Wildmother, Archeart, Matron of Ravens and Everlight. What else will there be in the future?


local genasi too cool for common sense, tries to absorb remnants of primordial titan.

I love Ashton. They are cool, complex and absolutely filled to the brim with trauma and rage (and titan parts).

This bad boy can fit so much trauma!

(I will refrain from hitting the "roof" of Ashton. I like my hands and there is no safe space to slap Ashton except maybe the ass if they consent to it. )


It's honestly so complicated to realize that I rely on traditionally masculine behavioural patterns to manage a classroom. I mean it works and I don't intend to change my behaviour. But I know that my feminine friends get shit for not being dominant and loud as a teacher and are told that they're not taking up enough space.

We teach women to behave a certain way and then demand different behaviour for certain professions.

Obviously there is a shift going on in teacher education at the moment which balances it a little because it includes some traditionally feminine fields of expertise (empathy, emotional awareness, communication etc.)

We really gotta let go of gender norms but we can't forget that people will still grow up with gender norms despite this. Experiences and norms shape people, which makes life harder or easier for them. Religion, Culture, Economy etc etc all impact the performance demands. We are all performing and to many of us performing femininity and masculinity have become second nature. We don't even know we are performing them.

We need to be aware how we force people into certain behavioural patterns and performances, just to follow it by excluding certain (somewhat) group-specific aspects of identity and labelling them as too much, too little, wrong etc.

Gender norms are a tool for oppression and exclusion and those who go beyond them are breaking the mold. So if you're not conforming to gender norms, I'm here to thank you. You're an integral part of making the job market and the world in general more inclusive.

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