How to Get Google AdSense Approval: Fast & Effective Method (Tested & Tried)

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If you want to earn money from your blog, Google AdSense is a great option. However, many new bloggers face rejection when they apply for AdSense approval due to some common mistakes. In this article, I will share everything you need to know to get Google AdSense approval quickly.

In the past, getting AdSense approval was easier and didn’t depend much on the quality of your blog. But now, it has become more challenging. You need to focus on providing a good user experience on your blog and have around 15 to 20 well-written posts, along with all the necessary pages and other requirements.

One common reason for not getting AdSense approval is when new bloggers apply with a website that has very few low-quality posts or copied content from other sites. If you make these mistakes, no matter how many times you apply, you won’t get approved.

However, getting Google AdSense approval is not difficult if you genuinely work on your blog. The AdSense team evaluates the quality and optimization of your website. If you’re working sincerely but still not getting approval, read the tips below. By following them, I assure you that your application will be approved when you apply for the first time.

Before we dive into the process, let’s understand why Google AdSense is the best way to monetize your website.

Why Choose Google AdSense to Monetize Your Website?

Following are some of the reasons why should one choose Google AdSense to monetize one’s website:

  • Google AdSense offers a way to make latent income through your site.
  • After a bit of setup, things like sizing ads to fit desktop screens and many such things are taken care of by Google itself.
  • Since Google AdSense is free to use, there is no financial risk involved in getting started.
  • You can display ad content relevant to your niche with Google AdSense, as there is already a wide range of advertisers working. In 2020, advertisers paid Google $147 billion to appear in search.
  • The ads meet quality standards as the ones that appear on the site have been vetted by Google.
  • The ads appearing on your site are harmonious with your content, catering to your visitor’s interests. Ultimately, these modest ads add value to your visitors’ experience.
  • You get control of your website as you are the one who chooses the types of ads to be used and even where they will go on your website.
  • Match the look and feel of your site with customized designs of the ads.
  • Google AdSense incrementally increases your earnings as your website traffic grows as well as your audience becomes more engaged.

8 Things to Take Care of While Applying for Google AdSense

Below I have shared a few important things you should take care of when applying for Google AdSense. If you follow all my recommendations properly, your website will get approved when you send it for the first time.

1. 15 to 20 Posts Should Have Published on Your Blog

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Posts in WordPress

When you apply for Google AdSense, you should have 15 to 20 posts published on your blog/website. Not just the number of posts, but what I consider most important is high-quality content. If you post spam content or copy-paste it from other websites, Google might not approve your website.

Some people believe that the quality of content plays no role in the approval; they think that the number of posts matters most, but it’s not true; Numbers of posts matter, but the post’s content should be of high quality, well-researched, and unique. Google wants to make sure to keep everybody who’s trying to do shortcuts out of their program in general.

If you are from those who want to get activated and then use the same domain for another purpose, you can also generate posts using AI writing tools like I have personally used AI-generated content to activate on Google AdSense; recently, I got activated, having only 15 generated posts on my blog.

When publishing the content, you should take care of a few things, like the content should be of high quality, error-free, and unique. You can use tools like Grammarly to check the mistakes and uniqueness of content; you can use this tool for free. With high-quality content, content optimization, headings, and images in the content, everything matters. You should adequately do everything before sending your website for approval.

One other common mistake that most people make is they publish 15 to 20 posts, but the post has a low word count. I highly recommend you keep each post of about 800 to 1000 words. If you published a small post, Google might disapprove of your application, saying thin content.

2. Create All Necessary Pages, Including Privacy Policy, Disclaimer, About Us, Contact Us

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Pages in WordPress

After the content, what matters most is having a Privacy Policy, Disclaimer, About Us, and Contact Us page. Those 4 are the necessary pages; you should have those pages published on your website. Most people think that posting the About Us and Contact Us page is enough, as they don’t know what to write on the Privacy Policy & Disclaimer page.

But the online Privacy Policy & Disclaimer page generator made it easy to write those pages. What you have to do is enter some information about your website, like your domain name, the industry you are working in, what type of information you take from your visitors, and how you use this information, and then the generator will create a unique Privacy Policy & Disclaimer pages for you.

Some people also think they need to write a unique Privacy Policy & Disclaimer page. But there is no need to write those pages uniquely; you can use the generated one or copy-paste it from other websites. But the About Us page should be unique; you should write about your website on it, like what you do or what your website is all about.

Talking about the Contact Us page, create a contact form using any plugin and embed it on the Contact Us page; you can also share some information like your office address, email, phone numbers, and links to all your social media handles.

3. Ensure Website Content is Not in the Restricted List

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Ensure Website Content is Not Spammed

Creating content for the website is not the end of the story. One should always ensure that the website content is not restricted. Google AdSense has a restricted item list. If your content falls under the restricted item list, you will not get approved. Before applying to Google AdSense, one should know about publisher restrictions.

These restrictions have easy access as it is present on their website. Content related to killing, terrorism, explosives, guns, tobacco, recreational drugs, the sale of alcohol, online gambling, prescription drugs, and unapproved pharmaceuticals or supplements has a tough time while getting approved. Check the list to know about the topics before writing any content.

If you publish content related to the above category, then Google not only disapproves of your account but may also deindex your website from the search results. Not just Google AdSense; no other monetization program approves your website for ads.

4. Do Not Use Images With Copyright

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Do Not Use Copyrighted Images

Using copyrighted images in your website’s posts may also create a problem. We highly recommend not taking images from Google and putting them on your website, as these might be copyrighted. Everybody who works wishes to get recognized and rewarded. Similarly, the photographers protect their work using various rights.

If you just put any pictures without caring about copyrights, your Google AdSense application may get disapproved. We highly recommend you use images after editing, like in a way that you take images, edit them to make some minor changes, and then use the image in your content.

You can only use the graphics, vector art, and screenshot-type images after making some changes to them, but if you talk about the real images clicked by photographs, you can not use those images by making any changes. To use such images, you should take permission from the owner and give the proper credit to them.

The copyrighted images are also available for sale on websites like ShutterStock and Imagesbazaar. You can even get a fantastic discount from Shutterstock using a coupon code. When you purchase images from those websites, you are free to use them anywhere. And if you don’t want to invest in images, you can also use images that are available for free to use.

You will get high-quality free-to-use stock images on various websites like Freepik, & Not just those, but many other free stock image websites are available. You can use the images downloaded from those websites without crediting the original owner.

5. Website Age Also Matters

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Website Age Matters

Sometimes the age of the website also plays an important role in getting approved for Google AdSense. Mostly you will get your website approved for Google AdSense no matter when you have started working on it, but in some conditions, Google may reject your application, saying that your website is new.

If your Google AdSense application gets rejected, saying that your website is new, you have to wait for at least 6 months to get approved; you can try sending it again after 6 months. Some countries, like the USA, do not have any website age restrictions. But, countries like China and India should meet the eligibility criteria of at least 6 months (only in some conditions) before getting approved for Google AdSense.

I got all my websites approved within 2 months from the first post, but some of my friends have faced this issue, and that’s why I am sharing this information with you.

6. Your Domain Should Not Be Already Banned

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Your Domain Should Not Be Already Banned

If you purchase a new domain with no history of use, you don’t need to worry about it. But if you are working on an expired domain, you need to verify it.

Now the question arises of how you can verify that your domain is not banned by Google AdSense.

The answer is no; you can verify whether your domain is banned or not banned by Google AdSense. You can assume or guess that your domain is banned on Google AdSense if you send your website a number of times for approval and get disapproved.
In this condition, another question asked by the newbie blogger is why Google AdSense banned any domain.

When anyone does spammy things like publishing spammy or not value content on the website, or content related to killing, terrorism, explosives, guns, tobacco, recreational drugs, the sale of alcohol, online gambling, prescription drugs, and unapproved pharmaceuticals or supplements after getting approved then when found their AdSense get closed and their domain also get banned.

If you are purchasing an expired domain and don’t want to face such things, you should verify what the website was all about in the past and avoid buying the domain with a bad history. You can check the domain history using a website called Wayback Machine.

Wayback Machine offers complete details about the history of the particular domain and what type of content was published on it in the past so that you can better decide whether to purchase this domain or not.

7. Your Website Should Look Professional

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Your Website Should Look Professional

As we have already told you, the look of your website plays a vital role in Google AdSense approval. If your website looks terrible or is not responsive for all devices, your Google AdSense application may also get disapproved. We highly recommend you professionally design your website using a paid theme, and some recommended themes are GeneratePress and Astra.

Professional design means I am not recommending a fancy design; your website should offer a great user experience and load quickly. If your website gives the impression of an old-school, the ’90s jumbled HTML, thrown together, then expect your visitors to pay you a one-time visit only, and your AdSense account may not get approved.

Your website should also have the proper places to place ads. Another thing you should take care of when designing your website is easy-to-use navigation.

8. Remove Other Ads While Applying

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Remove Other Ads While Applying

If you are using any other ads network, you recommend removing other ads before you apply to Google AdSense. Although, Google allows other ad networks and Google AdSense, as stated within terms of services. If your website already has a bunch of ads popping up all over the place, your website might not get approved.

We recommend you remove the ads during the application process, and once you get approved, you can put up any other ads on a website.

This is not for those using Amazon affiliates for their website and want to show AdSense ads. Amazon affiliate users can continue using affiliate links when applying for Google AdSense. Still, you should have mentioned that you are using an Amazon affiliate on the disclaimer page of your website.

I personally got AdSense approval on lots of Amazon Affiliate websites.

9. Backlinks & Traffic

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Many people don’t know, but when you send a website with some traffic, your website gets approved quickly for Google AdSense. This is my personal experience; just for an experiment purpose recently, I have applied for Google AdSense on two different websites in the same niche. Both the domains are also purchased on the same date.

One website has a traffic of about 2300 visitors per month (All posts are indexed), and another has only 20 to 30 visitors per month (Not all posts are indexed). I have worked on creating backlinks for one website that’s why the keyword ranks and website get traffic of 2300 visitors per month.

I applied for AdSense for both websites on the same day; the website with a traffic of 2300 visitors per month got approved within a week. However, another website with low traffic still did not get approved; both websites are entirely the same; they have unique content and a professional look, and I have also taken care of all the other things.

Now I highly recommend you send your website for Google AdSense approval when you have a good amount of traffic. Google Adsense pays for the ad clicks and impressions; even if you get approval for your low-traffic website, you will not earn, so sending a low-traffic website for Google AdSense doesn’t make sense.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

I have tried to cover everything I know and experienced in my 5 years of blogging journey. Those who still have doubts can go through the below-shared FAQs.

1. How Do I Know If AdSense Is Approved?

If your website is approved for Google AdSense, you will get an email saying that you are ready to show ads on your website. After applying, You should check your email from time to time, or you can also check by logging into your Google AdSense account.

The AdSense approval process may take a few days, or it may take a few weeks in some conditions. Some people make the mistake of canceling the application and resent it; when you do so, it takes more time.

2. Can I Get Adsense Approval With A Free Domain?

Yes, you can get approved even if you are using a free domain, but your AdSense application will get disapproved if you apply with the free subdomains. I have seen lots of free domains get approved for Google AdSense.

Talking about my experience, I have tried to get approved for the .xyz domain, and I got the approval after sending it 3 times.

Final Words

When you apply for Google AdSense after following the above-shared things, I will ensure that you will get your application approved when you send it for the first time. Please make sure your blog is well-designed, has 15 to 20 posts published on it, and has some traffic when you apply.

If everything is perfect, then most probably, your application will get approved within 48 hours, but sometimes it may take more time than 2 weeks. Some people make mistakes in canceling the application and resending it if it takes longer; you should wait for the replay from the AdSense team.

We hope this article about getting Google AdSense approval is helpful to you. Do share what mistakes you have made before reading this post when you send your websites for Google AdSense approval in the comment section below.

Avatar of Sunny Kumar
Sunny Kumar
Hello! I’m Sunny Kumar from New Delhi, India, a tech enthusiast and blogger with an IT degree from IIT-D. My expertise lies in SEO, Cloud Computing, Telecom & Networking, and CEH. I specialize in SEO, WordPress Development, and PC Building. And being a proficient WordPress user, I’m dedicated to delivering quality content and a remarkable user experience.

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