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Articles on Social media

Displaying 1 - 20 of 2022 articles

Social media companies are doing a poor job of telling you who is responsible for the political ads you see. Anna Barclay/Getty Images

Unregulated online political ads pose a threat to democracy

Political ad transparency – who’s paying for ads and whether candidates stand behind them – is well-regulated for TV and radio. Online, not so much.
How much power do social media companies have over what users post? Midnight Studio/iStock/Getty Images Plus

Supreme Court kicks cases about tech companies’ First Amendment rights back to lower courts − but appears poised to block states from hampering online content moderation

Florida and Texas sought to prevent social media companies from deciding which posts can be promoted, demoted or blocked. The Supreme Court said the tech companies can moderate as they please.
Efforts to ban smart phones in classrooms are well intentioned and seek to support youth, but research supporting these practices is still unsettled. (Shutterstock)

Social media warning labels and school cell phone bans: Do they unlock better youth mental health?

Concerns surrounding cell phones and social media are grabbing headlines, but what does the science say?
Quel rôle jouent vraiment les réseaux sociaux dans la polarisation politique ? Studiostoks / Shutterstock

Is social media fuelling political polarisation?

Do social networks and their algorithms really amplify political hostility and polarisation? Interdisciplinary research nuances this pessimistic view.

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