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University of Sydney

Established in 1850, the University of Sydney was Australia’s first tertiary education institution. It is committed to maximising the potential of its students, teachers and researchers for the benefit of Australia and the wider world.


Displaying 81 - 100 of 4825 articles

Examples of Australian landscapes. Unsplash

We reconstructed landscapes that greeted the first humans in Australia around 65,000 years ago

By detailing the landscape at the time of first humans’ migration into Australia, we can better understand how people travelled and where they settled.
As abelhas australianas “ursinho de pelúcia” são bonitinhas e fofinhas, mas dê uma olhada nesse ferrão enorme (sem farpas)! James Dorey Photography

A maioria das abelhas não morre depois de dar uma ferroada e outros fatos surpreendentes sobre estes insetos

Quase todas (99,96%) das espécies de abelhas não morrem após a picada. Então, por que todo mundo acha que elas morrem?
Drapeau indigène superposé à un berceau d'hôpital, avec un ancien formulaire de naissance en arrière-plan. The Conversation

« Trop de bébés aborigènes » : l’histoire secrète du contrôle de la population aborigène en Australie dans les années 1960-1970

Dans les années 1960-1970, le gouvernement australien a cherché de diverses façons à réduire la fécondité des femmes aborigènes.


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