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University of Colorado Boulder

At the foot of the Rocky Mountains, the University of Colorado Boulder is nationally recognized as one of only 36 AAU public research universities. Established in 1876, CU Boulder is a Tier 1 public research university with five Nobel laureates, nine MacArthur “genius” fellows and is the No. 1 public university recipient of NASA awards. CU Boulder is a leader in many fields, including aerospace engineering, physics and environmental law. The school partners with many notable federal research labs, including the National Center for Atmospheric Research, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). CU Boulder students thrive academically and athletically, with Buff athletes competing in the NCAA Division I Pac-12 conference.


Displaying 1 - 20 of 302 articles

Le sentiment d'être traité avec justice au travail est sans effet sur les personnes attirées par le fait de posséder des biens de luxe. Shutterstock

La justice au travail vous rend plus épanoui… sauf si vous êtes matérialiste !

Avoir le sentiment d'être traité avec justice au travail favorise un épanouissement qui donne envie de s'impliquer, sauf pour les personnes les plus matérialistes.
Is your social media group a budding democracy or someone’s fiefdom? John Trumbull's painting, Declaration of Independence, plus emoticons

Why the future of democracy could depend on your group chats

Americans associate with each other more online than off these days. How people interact in digital communities could have a big impact on democracy.
Les épisodes La Niña se traduisent généralement par des conditions plus fraîches et plus humides, mais cela n'est vrai qu'en moyenne à l'échelle mondiale. Luis Robayo/AFP via Getty Images

Avec l’arrivée de La Niña, des ouragans plus intenses sont-ils à craindre ?

Après une année record pour les températures mondiales à cause d’El Niño, La Niña apportera-t-elle un peu de répit ? Cela dépend de l’endroit où vous vivez, et de si vous aimez les ouragans.
La Niña typically means cooler, wetter conditions on average globally, but not everywhere, and not every time. Luis Robayo/AFP via Getty Images

La Niña is coming, raising the chances of a dangerous Atlantic hurricane season – an atmospheric scientist explains this climate phenomenon

After a year of record-breaking global heat with El Niño, will La Niña bring a reprieve? That depends on where you live and how you feel about hurricanes.
Trash collected in a 2019 cleanup that removed 24,000 pounds (10,000 kilograms) of garbage from Mount Everest. Narayan Maharjan/NurPhoto via Getty Images

Climbers have turned Mount Everest into a high-altitude garbage dump, but sustainable solutions are within reach

Mountain tourism brings revenues to Nepal but leaves a mess behind. Local and international groups are offering new cleanup strategies.
Investing in the people around you can help you get to the top and stay there. Monkey Business Images/Shutterstock

Why being humble can make you a better leader

If you want to get to the top and stay there, humility trumps arrogance as a management style.
Utilities can turn off power to reduce the risk that their equipment could spark wildfires during extreme weather events. Smith Collection/Gado via Getty Images

Colorado is latest state to try turning off the electrical grid to prevent wildfires − a complex, technical operation pioneered in California

Turning off power is a last-ditch strategy for utilities to reduce the risk that their systems could spark wildfires. In most states, deciding whether to take that step is up to utilities.
An analysis of 23 cannabis samples from 10 dispensaries found a majority had at least 30% less THC than they were reported to have. Zenkyphoto/iStock via Getty Images Plus

Lab tests show THC potency inflated on retail marijuana in Colorado

Misleading potency labels can disrupt medical dosages, misguide recreational users and erode trust in the industry.


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