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University of Calgary

The University of Calgary is a publicly funded research-intensive university founded in 1966, with 14 faculties offering more than 250 academic programs, and more than 50 research institutes and centres. As one of Canada’s top comprehensive research universities, UCalgary combines the best of university tradition with the City of Calgary’s vibrant energy and diversity. Combining our commitment to excellence in research and scholarship, a high-quality learning environment, and our deep connections with the Calgary community, we provide students the opportunity to shape their future and become productive citizens and leaders in a complex world.


Displaying 1 - 20 of 442 articles

Alice Munro (izquierda) recibe el Premio Literario del Gobernador General 1986 de Ficción en lengua inglesa de manos de la gobernadora general Jeanne Sauvé en Toronto, 1987. CP PHOTO/Blaise Edwards

El horror gótico de Alice Munro: un ajuste de cuentas con la oscuridad de un icono feminista

Un ensayo de la hija de Alice Munro sobre los abusos sexuales sufridos en su infancia ha obligado a repensar el legado de la escritora e icono feminista, aclamada por su capacidad para dar voz a la vida de las mujeres.
Alice Munro (left) receives her 1986 Governor General’s Literary Award for English-language fiction from Governor General Jeanne Sauvé in Toronto, 1987. (CP PHOTO/Blaise Edwards)

The Gothic horror of Alice Munro: A reckoning with the darkness behind a feminist icon

An essay by Alice Munro’s daughter about childhood sexual abuse has forced a reckoning with the legacy of the feminist icon and writer acclaimed for her ability to give voice to women’s lives.
There have been growing calls for more corporate disclosure and accountability in the face of income inequality, governance failures and the mismanagement of natural resources. (Shutterstock)

When it comes to sustainability reporting, it depends on how serious companies are about making change

Many firms now report how they are doing along economic, environmental and social lines in what is called a sustainability report. But how effective are they, really?
Russian President Vladimir Putin, left, speaks with Vietnam’s President To Lam during an official visit at the Presidential Palace in Hanoi, Vietnam on June 20, 2024. (Nhac Nguyen/Pool Photo via AP)

Why Russia still has friends on the world stage

While most European nations are on board with western sanctions, countries in the Global South have maintained economic and political links with Russia.
Preference for tax-free savings accounts may be due, in part, to a psychological bias for the phrase “tax-free.” (Shutterstock)

The ‘tax-free trap’: How a simple phrase skews Canadians’ savings choices

New research finds that people are more likely to choose a plan that has the words “tax-free” in the title, regardless of the details in fine print.
Efforts to ban smart phones in classrooms are well intentioned and seek to support youth, but research supporting these practices is still unsettled. (Shutterstock)

Social media warning labels and school cell phone bans: Do they unlock better youth mental health?

Concerns surrounding cell phones and social media are grabbing headlines, but what does the science say?
Overcoming societal disparities to achieve an equal opportunity path to leadership is challenging, but organizations can take tangible steps to foster leadership potential across the socioeconomic spectrum. (Shutterstock)

From playground to boardrooms: How childhood and adolescence shape future leaders

While many view the path to leadership as a journey that begins later in life, new research suggests childhood and adolescence play keys roles in how it develops.
Workers race to repair a damaged water main in Calgary on Friday, June 7, 2024. Calgarians are being urged to keep reducing their water usage by 25 per cent as a result of the shortages this break caused. (THE CANADIAN PRESS/Jeff McIntosh)

Calgary water shortages: Key ways to reduce your water footprint

Calgarians have been asked to reduce their water use. These simple steps can help us all to reduce our water footprint and save money at the same time.
Leadership roles present exciting opportunities for career advancement, personal growth and fulfilment. (Shutterstock)

Ready for the next step in your career? Here’s how to get ready for your first leadership position

Whether you’re stepping into the C-suite or your first team lead role, the prospect of leading others can be daunting. So, how can you confidently make the leap into a leadership position?
Systemic barriers prevent average investors from capitalizing on potentially lucrative or riskier opportunities, which can exacerbate their financial vulnerability. (Shutterstock)

The growing wealth divide: Should average Canadians follow Warren Buffett’s investment strategy?

While Warren Buffet’s ‘buy low, sell high’ strategy has proven extremely successful for himself, it’s challenging for those without significant financial resources.
Police in riot gear formed a line to face student protesters at the University of Calgary campus on May 9, 2024. The university said protesters were trespassing and asked for help from police to disperse the groups. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Noah Korver

Student protests: How the university perpetuates colonial violence on campus

Recent student protests are attempts to humanize the Palestinians in desperate need of a ceasefire. Students deserve a dignity-affirming dialogue, not the continued use of police brutality.
Graduates listen during a convocation ceremony at Simon Fraser University, in Burnaby, B.C., in May 2022. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Darryl Dyck

Arts graduate education in Canada should be redesigned around students’ and society’s needs

Canada needs the arts, with its insights into human behaviour and thinking, more than ever. But governments and funding agencies should shift funding models for arts graduate education.
Student protesters link arms as police move to clear remaining protesters and their encampment at the University of Calgary campus on May 9, 2024. Noah Korver/Canadian Press

A different way to address student encampments

Student protests on campuses are calling attention to atrocities in Gaza and challenging university administrators to divest. What is the best way forward that avoids unnecessary violence?
Companies can do more if they truly want to support healthier dietary patterns among adults and children in Canada. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Cole Burston

How big food companies can do more to create healthier food environments

Many food and beverage companies are not doing enough to positively shape diets in Canada, while positive examples show that public health commitments are achievable.
Measles, once on the brink of eradication, has resurged, exacerbated by the disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic interfering with routine vaccination programs. (Shutterstock)

Protecting communities: The urgency of vaccinating to prevent a measles resurgence

The resurgence of measles and whooping cough is troubling. The most effective way to prevent the return and spread of vaccine-preventable diseases is through vaccination and combating vaccine hesitancy.
Within the first three seconds of opening a web page, over 80 third parties on average have accessed your information. (Shutterstock)

Websites deceive users by deliberately hiding the extent of data collection and sharing

Existing regulations do not go far enough in protecting people’s information from being collected and shared when they visit websites.
Thinking through your own attachment history and expectations of relationships may be a great opportunity for self-reflection, but it is important to remember that attachment is only one aspect of a relationship. (Keira Burton/Pexels)

Is attachment theory actually important for romantic relationships?

Attachment theory is the notion that in the first year of life, the ways in which a parent and caregiver respond to a child’s needs shape a child’s expectation of relationships across their lifespan.


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