How To Make High Quality Backlinks For Your Website

| | January 18, 2022

There are more than 100 factors which help your website to rank higher in a search engine like Google.

But what is the most important factor?

It's Backlinks.

If you are an experienced blogger you may already know that how backlinks have helped your blog post to move up in rankings in Google or other search engines.

The formula to higher ranking on Google is simple.

More Backlinks = Higher Ranking

However, many new bloggers start a blog with good contents but failed to create high quality backlinks for their blog.

Creating quality backlinks isn't easy.

Due to failure in creating backlinks you may find that even after producing quality articles month after month your articles are not moving up on the rankings.

So, it is recommended that besides creating good content, newbie bloggers should also give attention to create backlinks from good authority websites pointing back to their blogs.

For newbie bloggers who doesn't know what a backlink is and how a backlink can help you to grow your blog, please read on.

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What Are Backlinks?

In simple terms, a backlinks are links from one website to a page on another website. Backlinks are also called incoming links or inbound links.

Quality backlinks

A page with a lot of backlinks tend to rank higher on Google which results in lots of organic traffic to your website. Lots of backlinks also creates an online reputation for your website.

But to rank higher in search engines you just cannot go on shopping spree to buy backlinks or create backlinks from low authority websites.


Because quality of backlinks matters most in the eye of search engines.

A single backlinks from a big authority websites is much more valuable than hundreds of backlinks from low authority websites.

So, when you start building backlinks for your website or blog just focus on building high quality backlinks.

When you build backlinks from a high authority websites it passes link juice to your website and you will notice a jump in ranking as well as increase in organic search engine traffic.

What is a link juice?

Link juice is the term used in the SEO to refer to the value or equity passed from one website to another. How does it passes. It passes through hyperlinks (backlinks). 

Search engines see links as votes by other websites that your page is valuable, credible and useful.

Now the question arises how to make high quality backlinks.

How To Make High Quality Backlinks?

Getting high quality backlinks from high authority or we should say, high Domain Authority (DA) is very difficult. But once you made it, it would tremendously boost your organic traffic from search engine.

Let's see what are the options available for you to make backlinks for your blog.

The most common source of creating high quality backlinks are-

  • Guest Post
  • Testimonials
  • Blog Commenting
  • Forum Commenting
  • Directory Submission

You can use any of these proven link building strategies to build high quality links to your website quickly and easily.

1. Guest Post Backlinks

Guest post means writing and publishing an article on someone else's website or blog in order to build relationship and also high quality backlinks.

It is one of the most popular method to get quality backlinks and used by many bloggers around the world as their preferred Search Engine Optimization (SEO) technique.

Typically, when you write a guest post, you would place a link either in the main content or in your bio section pointing to your website.

Guest post can help you in building brand awareness for your website with a different audience and also helps in driving new traffic to your site.

But how to find a site to guest post on?

It is done with the help of Google Search String.

You can use the following search strings on Google to find guest post for you.

Your Keyword "guest post"

Your Keyword "guest writer"

Your Keyword "guest article"

Your Keyword "write for us"

Your Keyword "this is guest post by"

Your Keyword "guest blogger"
Your Keyword "guest blog post writer"
Your Keyword "submit content"

Your Keyword "contribute to our site"
Your Keyword "submit an article"

Your Keyword "this post was written by"
Your Keyword "submit post"
Your Keyword "submit blog post"
Your Keyword "add blog post"

Your Keyword "become guest writer"
Your Keyword "add content"

Your Keyword "guest posts wanted"

Your Keyword "guest blogger wanted"

Just use the above keywords and check all the results you are getting. It will take time but all your effort would pay you back handsomely in the form of huge increase in organic traffic to your site.

If you're finding it difficult to find websites that accept guest post please refer to the following resources.

These are some awesome list that you can refer to find some amazing website where you can apply for guest post.

Important Tips:

If you are just starting to create backlinks with guest post, you may start with blogs that aren’t very big authority sites.

Smaller blogs are more likely to accept your guest post. Try to pitch sites that have MOZ DA greater than 30. By posting regular guest posts, your website DA will also increase with time.

Then, as you create more guest post you can level up your effort and showcase these guest posts to large authority sites that have DA greater than 60, 70 or even 80. Now, there will be greater chance of acceptance.

Always remember while creating guest post that:

  • It should have an authoritative link profile
  • The website should be related to your niche
  • Post only high quality content

Guest post rank number one in all backlink creating ideas. So, take it seriously and start focusing on it from day one of your blogging career.

2. Testimonial Backlinks

It is one of the easiest link building technique.

Yes, with right strategy you can quickly create a homepage backlink from a good authority website.

Let's see how to achieve it.

You would reach out to websites whose product or services you are using and offer them postitive testimonials.

What will happen next? Your testimonial would get published with a link back to your website. Awesome, isn't it?

So let’s take a quick look at the strategies to build links with testimonials.

Step 1: Make a list of target websites

  • Find websites that accepts testimonials against their products or services.
  • Check that the website is relevant to your niche
  • You are an actual user of the prodcut/services
  • Find the contact person from the Contact page on the target site or use Hunter.

Step 2: Writing The Perfect Testimonial

  • Introduce yourself as a user of the product or services
  • Explain how their product or services has helped you, with specific results
  • What you liked the most

Keep your testimonial short and simple.

Sometimes, I get queries like:

  1. What if my testimonial is posted without backlink?
  2. My testimonial get posted without backlink, what should I do?

Regarding query no. 1, my answer would be, you will not get backlinks to your testimonials 100% of the time. So, if you don't get backlinks to some of your testimonials it is perfectly okay.

For query no. 2, I would say, this isn't a problem at'll. Just ping them to add your backlink pointing to your homepage. And you would get it most of the time. It is that simple.

3. Comment Backlinks

Blog commenting is one of the best way to build backlink.

Many doubt and some even say that blog commenting doesn't work in creating backlinks.

But there are many studies which suggests that it still works and is the easiest way to create backlinks.

What's more, you can even get lots of traffic by blog commenting. You just need to be sure that your comments are on sites that are related to your blog niche. And you should write some meaningful comments adding value to post content.

Though it is clear that you will get a no-follow link instead of do-follow link but still it is important for increasing your site's visibility in search engines.

To make blog comment visit this site:

drop my link

Register here and you can find lots of options like Comment Luv Premium enabled websites or Do Follow commenting websites. Just enter your keyword here and bingo, you have the list of all the websites which allow commenting in their websites.

Go through all the results. Before you begin, first check whether the website is related to your niche or not. If not, then move on to next results.

If the website is related to your site then read the article and add a brief comment in the comment box adding a link of your blog post you want to create backlink for.


Always create backlinks for your blog post instead of your main blog. Why? Because your main objective is to rank your blog post higher in the search engine.

So, whenever you create backlinks always go for your blog post.

Use this wonderful tool to create useful backlinks for your website.

If you are still not convinced whether blog commenting works or not please visit this article by Neil Patel.

Note: Don't try to create backlinks from single website.


Creating 100 links from 100 different websites is much better than creating 1000s of backlinks from a single website.

In fact, having lots of backlinks from a single website can also have negative effect on your search engine rankings. So, avoid it completely.

4. Forum Backlinks

Forum posting is one of my favorite SEO method to build high-quality backlinks for my site.

You can find forums related to your website by searching for the following keywords in Google.

Your Keyword + forum

Visit the forum related to your niche. As a rule don't post your comment just for the sake of creating backlinks. If you do so you would look spam and you could also be blocked by the forum website.

5. Directory Submission Backlinks

There are many debates whether directory submission works or not in creating high quality backlinks.

But according to my experience these strategy still works.

And why taking any chances? If it does not work for you it's okay. At least you tried. But what if it worked and helped you in ranking your articles higher in search engines.

Use the following keywords to find the right directory for your site:

"Your Keyword" directory
"Your Keyword" * directory

There are many free blog directories submission websites where you can submit your blog or blog articles to create backlinks for your site.

Some Common Terms Related To Backlinks

  • Link Juice

    When a web page of an external high authority website links to any of your blog articles it also improves the domain authority of your blog which results in higher ranking in search engine. This is called link juice.

  • Internal Links 

    Links that go from one page on a website to a different page on the same website are called internal links.

    These type of links are useful for three reasons:
    • They allow users of your website to navigate from one page to another.
    • They help establish information hierarchy. It gives Google an idea of the structure of your website
    • They help spread link juice around your website.

      So using the right internal linking strategy can boost your SEO.

  • External Links

    An external link is a link that was posted on another website but points to your website blog page or article or your blog's homepage.

    All the link building strategy discussed in the article are all related to external links only.

    Importance of external link building has already been discussed in this article. 

  • No-Follow Link

    When a website links to another website, but the link has a no-follow tag, that link does not pass link juice.

    A no-follow link looks like this.

    <a href="" rel="nofollow">xyz</a>

    No-follow links do not pass any link juice as do-follow link. Usually, a website uses the no-follow tag when it is linking out to an unreliable site.

    Blog commenting links on many websites are no follow one.

  • Do-Follow Link 

    By default, all the links that you add into a blog post are do-follow links, and these pass link juice.

    A do-follow link looks like this. If there is no rel="nofollow" in the tag, then it is a do-follow link.

    <a href="">xyz</a>

    In Guest posting we normally get do-follow link which increases authority of our website. That is why, guest posting is recommended or preferred option to create high quality backlinks.

  • Anchor Text: Text that is used for hyperlinks is called anchor text.

    See the below example.

    <a href="">xyz</a>

    Here, xyz is called anchor text.

  • Linking Root Domains

    This refers to the number of backlinks coming into your website from a single domain. Even if a website has linked to your website multiple times, it will only be considered as one linked root domain.

    So, instead of trying to create lots of links from a single domain, it is better to get single links from different high authority websites.

  • Low-Quality Links:

    Low-quality links are links that come from automated sites, spam sites, or even porn sites.

    There are many online websites selling backlinks. You should not fall into their traps. They usually create links in low authority or spam websites.

    Such links do not pass any link juice or authority to your websites. In fact it effects your website negatively. It will lower your website ranking in search engines. So, one should refrain from creating these types of links

Wrapping Up

If you are not creating backlinks for your blog then you are making a big blogging mistakes.

Start using the strategies mentioned in this article and create quality backlinks for your blog.

If you are using any other backlink creation strategies which are not mentioned here please comment below.

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Deepak Choudhary

Deepak Choudhary is the founder of He is a Blogger and an Affiliate Marketing Expert. He publishes useful articles for newbie bloggers related to the following topics - Affiliate Marketing, Email Marketing, Software Reviews, Software Tutorials, Blogging, WordPress, SEO, Passive Income, and more.

11 thoughts on “How To Make High Quality Backlinks For Your Website”

  1. Great Post! Learned about so many amazing ways of creating backlinks via this article. It will help in getting good-quality links for my site. I also gained knowledge about the terminologies connected to backlinks.

  2. Thank you for your awesome suggestions and it is the best ever information seen before and it is also a practical method to improve organic traffic.

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