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Joseph was an artificial intelligence computer system given to Bernice Summerfield by Irving Braxiatel.



Victor Farrison had an android assistant named Joseph, who sacrificed himself to save the Seventh Doctor, Ace and Bernice Summerfield. The Doctor took his omnitronic processor to give to somebody who could salvage the personality from it; (AUDIO: The Dark Flame) it is uncertain if he gave the processor to the People, who built J-Kibb, (PROSE: Tears of the Oracle) or to Irving Braxiatel, who built the second Joseph. (PROSE: Steal from the World)

Upon meeting Benny at the Braxiatel Collection, Joseph indicated that he was aware of his predecessor built by the People but that he was a separate intelligence with the same name and personality. (PROSE: Professor Bernice Summerfield and the Doomsday Manuscript) Benny once wrote that she had been able to hang onto Joseph thanks to Braxiatel's reconstruction skills, implying that he might have rebuilt the previous Joseph, (PROSE: The Dead Men Diaries) and wondered if Joseph had been so stuffy before being "broken and repaired". (PROSE: The Door into Bedlam)

Assisting Benny[]

Joseph was gifted to Benny as a New Year's Day present on 1 January 2600 to organise her schedules, link into the Collection's mainframes, cross-check diaries and other such administration, although he served as little more than a clock off of the Collection. Benny was grateful to Braxiatel to restore something from her old life, although she initially kept him in his box.

Benny took Joseph with her when she and Daglan Straklant went in search of the Lost Tomb of Rablev. At Munroe Hennessey's estate, Joseph helped Benny escape her room and downloaded footage showing half of the Doomsday Manuscript due to an off-hand comment that Benny made. Georgia Salis was later able to work on the data that he had downloaded to create a complete manuscript. He took a radiation level at the tomb and determined that it had long been harmless. (PROSE: Professor Bernice Summerfield and the Doomsday Manuscript)

Joseph went with Benny to Capella Four and offered to accompany her on her expedition, but she told him to stay at the pod and that she would call him every two hours, which displeased him. She called him some time after leaving and asked him to fly around the area to keep an eye out, which she knew would keep him happy; however, he saw nothing out of the ordinary and had to return to the pod to perform a self-diagnostic after his systems played up. He sent Benny's findings to the International Klein Blue and informed her when they responded. (PROSE: Steal from the World)

Benny took Joseph on a two-day trip, but deactivated him after only two hours due to him getting on her nerves. She reactivated him after arriving on Goron IV as she needed him to double-check the planetary coordinates and later switched him into a passive record-only mode when talking to Dr Grobe. He was reactivated during a struggle between Benny and the Goronians but was unable to do anything to help her escape her capture, believing his impeller field too weak to cause the Goronians any damage. (PROSE: The Door into Bedlam)

Joseph kept an eye on Dominic Troy during his stay at the Mansionhouse on Benny's orders. When Dominic left his room, he short-circuited Joseph before he could raise the alarm. (PROSE: Professor Bernice Summerfield and the Squire's Crystal)

Joseph went with Benny to the Gigamarket and began to malfunction, beginning with his circuits being wrong about the time, due to the presence of a time anomaly. The malfunctions made him try to sell upgrades to Benny and to read parts of her diary at inappropriate moments and Benny tried to repair him to no avail. He functioned normally once the anomaly was dealt with. (AUDIO: Professor Bernice Summerfield and the Greatest Shop in the Galaxy)

Benny took Joseph and Claire with her when she wished to give birth away from Jason Kane and Adrian Wall. They ended up landing on Deirbhile where they were separated, with Joseph being imprisoned in the Glass Prison's A-block. He was eventually recovered and assisted in delivering Peter Summerfield, later amplifying Peter's cries to shatter Benny's cell door, unaware that this would shatter the entire prison. He also picked up a transmission indicated that the Fifth Axis learnt of Peter from Jason and sent a message to Braxiatel telling him of their whereabouts. (PROSE: Professor Bernice Summerfield and the Glass Prison)

Joseph looked after Peter whilst Benny went to investigate the Avanonions. (PROSE: Cuckoo)

Joseph was prepared to record Benny's retelling of the story of Peter's birth, but they were interrupted partway through by Adrian's arrival. He went with Benny to Goronos and, at her order, activated his galactic positioning signal beacon due to her worries about Lady Ashantra and later used his counter-measures defence system to protect Benny from Boris and Ronald. (AUDIO: Professor Bernice Summerfield and the Green-Eyed Monsters)

Benny was greatly angered by Blastertal, so much so that Joseph locked himself in a cupboard in order to hide from her. (PROSE: Something Broken)

Benny and Adrian took Joseph on an expedition to an uninhabited planet during which they met Nina, whom Joseph confirmed was already on the planet when they arrived and that she had not stowed away on their space shuttle. (PROSE: Setting Stone)

On the homeworld of the Kintabi, Joseph managed to escape from Benny's ship before it was destroyed by a Neo-Aretian destroyer and awaited the pilot's apology. The pilot, who claimed to be Keith Branigan Kane-Summerfield, told Joseph to stand down. (PROSE: Might)

Benny asked Joseph to look after Peter Summerfield when she was asked to investigate a strange mirror, but she didn't want to take long as Joseph had a tendency to use baby talk around him. He told Benny that if Peter misbehaved again he would need to start charging for his babysitting services. (AUDIO: The Mirror Effect)

Joseph often aided Braxiatel in his duties. (AUDIO: The Bellotron Incident)

Axis occupation[]

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Info from Paths Not Taken needs to be added

After the Fifth Axis' invasion of the Braxiatel Collection, Joseph delivered a message from Braxiatel to Bev Tarrant letting her know that the Axis were aware of the resistance. He helped Braxiatel alter the Oracle of the Lost so that it would make false prophecies, making the Axis believe that it was useless when it was anything but. Benny had Joseph erase his memories of doing this. (PROSE: Careless Talk)

Joseph tried to get a hungover Benny to visit Braxiatel, but she ignored him until he spoke with Braxiatel's voice. (PROSE: The Price of Everything)

After Ash Madai arrived on the Collection, Benny called on Joseph for help. He told her about the Ash Madai of a Jewish folktale and that he was freed by a ring. This led her to hand one in her possession over to him. (PROSE: Midrash)

Joseph delivered Benny instructions from Braxiatel after his study relocated itself to her bathroom. However, Benny had forgotten who she and Joseph were and needed him to remind her. (PROSE: Fear of Corners)

Joseph was shot by Leif Larsson to keep him from telling Benny that he had tried to rape her after she saw that the Collection's historical books were rewriting themselves. Benny was able to repair Joseph, after which he showed her the footage. (PROSE: Fluid Prejudice)

Joseph was able to rescue Bev Tarrant from her torture cell in the Axis interrogation centre, causing them to change their security codes. Jason later sent a message to Joseph about the Daleks' involvement, a message which Joseph passed along to Braxiatel in code. (AUDIO: Death and the Daleks)

Continued assistance[]

Jason asked Joseph to look for time-displaced 20th century television signals to show to Peter. When Jason asked him to switch channels, he picked up a transmission from Grellor's future showing the Grel preparing to travel back in time to kidnap Peter. Peter used Benny and Jason's Time Rings and transported himself, Joseph, Benny, Jason and Sophia to the Festival of Piranha and several other places across time, pursued by the Grel, before they finally returned home. (AUDIO: Professor Bernice Summerfield and the Grel Escape)

Joseph taught the two-year-old Peter different accents, leading Benny to threaten to reprogram him if he did not stop. (AUDIO: Professor Bernice Summerfield and the Bone of Contention)

Collection staff

Joseph with Ms Jones, Jason, Benny, Bev, Braxiatel, Adrian and Peter. (PROSE: A Life Worth Living)

One morning in April 2604, Joseph woke Benny up five minutes before her class was to begin. Parasiel later compared the porters to slaves. (PROSE: Misplaced Spring)

Joseph and Wolsey tried to get into Benny's room when she was rewriting her speech for the First Annual Braxiatel Collection Archaeology Conference and were let in by Jason, at whom Benny threw a book. (PROSE: Final Draft)

When Benny threatened Braxiatel into celebrating Christmas early on the Collection, Joseph gifted Benny, Braxiatel, Jason and Bev with signed 3D printouts of himself. Benny gave him a new subroutine. (AUDIO: Signifiers of the Verphidiae)

Benny had Joseph investigate Hok, whom he learnt was actually debunker of myths Rand Gemeno. He provided Benny with a video feed. (PROSE: The Blame of the Nose)

Joseph went with Benny to Tollip's World, but he had to receive an intelligence downgrade in order to get through customs; upon arriving on the planet, he scanned the local communications network just before all outgoing calls were shut down. He monitored internal communications and informed Benny of Hugo Tollip's arrival and later downloaded information from the Greenhouse and eavesdropped on the guards controlled by the copy of Assapartemya. (PROSE: The Tree of Life)

Following the history machine incident, Joseph was retrofitted to look after the wounded. (PROSE: Siege Mentality) In one timeline created by the machine, he caught Bev Tarrant stealing Benny's diary from her rooms. (PROSE: A Murderous Desire)

Joseph was sent a message by Thesanius for Benny informing her that he had found Cantus, a message which he passed along to Jason. (PROSE: Professor Bernice Summerfield and the Crystal of Cantus)

When Benny went missing, Joseph told Jason that his depressive episodes were doing no good and reminded him that Adrian and Bev were searching for her. He later introduced Jason to a member of CroSSScape gestalt who arrived on the Collection and decided to go to Cerebus Iera in search of Benny based on the information that the gestalt offered. He travelled there with Jason but his internal components were affected by the Factory's time distortion. (AUDIO:The Tartarus Gate)

Joseph watches Benny and Bev

Joseph watching Benny and Bev kissing. (AUDIO: Summer of Love)

Joseph assisted Bev in her negotiations with the Draconians to protect the Collection. Despite being an artificial intelligence, he was infected by the sex pollen and, when Benny screamed because of how cold her shower was, he went to investigate and gawped at her before giving her a massage which quickly became sexual. He could only say expletives as Benny and Bev kissed and later sent footage of it to Doggles and Jason; upon being restored to normal by Benny, he was disgusted with himself. He purged all of the AI drones of said footage. (AUDIO: Summer of Love)

After ensuring that he had the necessary diplomatic protocols, Bev sent Joseph to the Mimsphere with Hass as they were the only ones who could survive in the atmosphere. They were given passage through the Mim blockade and arrived on the sphere (AUDIO: The Judas Gift) where they took samples for Hass's botanical catalogue. Following the destruction of a Mim outpost, they were declared enemies of the state and taken into custody, with Joseph being dismantled and his data extracted before he was amateurishly repaired. He lost a lot of data after Hass destroyed the Mimsphere, resulting in him forgetting what caused the damage. (AUDIO: Freedom of Information)

Joseph spent most of his time looking after Peter following Jason's death and worried that Peter would pick up on Adrian's anxiety. He and Adrian visited Benny after she was attacked by Doggles and helped her to leave the Collection with Peter to escape from Braxiatel, getting into the security records before wiping his own memory of doing so. When Joseph told Braxiatel and Doggles that he had not seen Benny for some time, they believed that he had been tampered with. (AUDIO: The Wake)

Deindum War and fate[]

Hass, Joseph, Peter

Joseph with Hass and Peter. (AUDIO: Escaping the Future)

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Further info from Resurrecting the Past and Escaping the Future needs to be added

Joseph helped Braxiatel move an energy field to Maximediras and with testing its effectiveness. (AUDIO: Resurrecting the Past)

The Deindum took Joseph apart and downgraded him to the point that he could not remember what had happened to Braxiatel. He managed to escape with Adrian's help. (AUDIO: Escaping the Future)

Joseph was found by Adrian and Bev in an escape pod and went to live with them on Valentine's World, helping them with the refugee camp that they set up in the wake of the Deindum War. (PROSE: Adorable Illusion)

Shortly after the Deindum War, Joseph was found on a moon of Polax Mefalsis by researchers constructing an exhibit based on Benny's life. He assisted Benny in destroying the museum's data on her, saving her life from the infected database that was trying to kill her. (AUDIO: Many Happy Returns)

Features and functions[]

Joseph had a storage facility of "rather more" than fifty terabytes and was able to download and play video data. (PROSE: The Door into Bedlam, Professor Bernice Summerfield and the Doomsday Manuscript) He had an impeller field, (PROSE: The Door into Bedlam) the ability to give electric shocks (AUDIO: The Wake) and to detect radiation and analyse locks, although he was incapable of unlocking them. (PROSE: Professor Bernice Summerfield and the Doomsday Manuscript) He had a galactic positioning signal beacon and was fitted with a counter-measures defence system. (AUDIO: Professor Bernice Summerfield and the Green-Eyed Monsters)


Joseph seemed arrogant and self-important, giving Benny the impression that he thought that her rooms on the Collection belonged to him. (PROSE: Professor Bernice Summerfield and the Doomsday Manuscript)


Joseph was a plain white (PROSE: Professor Bernice Summerfield and the Doomsday Manuscript) or silver sphere, (PROSE: The Door into Bedlam) slightly larger than Benny's clenched fist. (PROSE: Professor Bernice Summerfield and the Doomsday Manuscript)
