Squandered Resources = favorite card of all time (The name, the artwork, the effect and the flavor text...EPIC)

Null Brooch = favorite artifact (I try and squeeze this into so many different strategies. Negate on a stick)

Squee, Goblin Nabob = favorite creature (A constant +1 in your hand is so useful in EDH. Too much value)

Humility = favorite enchantment (creatures are overrated)

Graceful Antelope = favorite planeswalker ;)

Corpse Dance = favorite instant (Buyback breaks a fundamental rule of the game. This is Shallow Grave crossed with Recurring Nightmare. It has multiple applications in EDH)

Yawgmoth's Will = favorite sorcery (the artwork and the effect are legendary. Infact, this should have been the first legendary sorcery)

Deserted Temple + Rishadan Port = favorite lands (so similar and yet so different. Temple is interactive utility while Port is interactive control with great flavor text)

Grindstone = favorite flavor text (Poignant) Honorable mention goes to Unfulfilled Desires

Chaosphere = favorite artwork (this changes constantly but I'm really digging this currently)

Planar Chaos & Urza's Saga = favorite set (too hard to decide so I settled on a tie. Urza's Saga was like an MTG restart. All the cards that didn't make it into A/B/U. Planar Chaos was all the color wheel bending spells that didn't make it into sets from the previous decade. Filled in a lot of unique gaps)

Mirage block & Tempest block = favorite block (IMO this is the quintessential era of MTG. WOTC found their groove with storytelling thru the artwork, the keywords and the juicy flavor text. These 6 sets showcase the best synergies and deck design strategies in MTG history)

SufferFromEDHD says... #1

I know we don't align politically but take your "Magic has taken the direction of profit above all else. It will be the end of the game eventually. It always happens." and apply it to my concerns...

We now live in a Trust-free/Truth-free society. Can't call it a civilization because that implies civility. Since 9/11 it has been a slow march towards a police state. Tax-free churches guarantee the masses stay ignorant. Predators reap all the rewards while the rest of us pay for the sins of their past. Only stupid people are breeding a.k.a. narcissistic replication.

Nothing's Gonna Change

Nation's Gonna Collapse

No Good Cops

June 16, 2024 7:38 a.m.

hootsnag says... #2

I feel that. Sucks you aren't on discord but I get it. Just dont put anything personal and you're good usually. It's not like the government doesnt collect all of our information anyways lol. Magic has taken the direction of profit above all else. It will be the end of the game eventually. It always happens. Feel free to keep in touch here or wherever.

June 15, 2024 1:40 a.m.

SufferFromEDHD says... #3

Hey. Just saw this. Never received a notification for it?

I left Discord because they collect WAY too much data. Don't know if my pics are saved in chat but it was neat seeing some of my custom cards finally getting printed in Modern Horizons 3. I am genuinely impressed with the product. Oozing with flavor! It almost motivated me to want to buy some... Almost. Then I remembered the last few years since Modern Horizons 2 and I snapped out of it. The Yu-Gi-Oh-fication of MTG is complete. I no longer recognize this game I once loved. I hate my local community as well. There is a deep moral rot in the culture. All sharks, rats and whales now. All of it has taken its toll on me.

Magic has lost it's magic.

June 9, 2024 12:36 p.m.

Please login to comment

July 2, 2024 11:15 p.m.

Path of Ancestry seems out of place in a creatureless deck? Otawara, Soaring City lose colors but gain unique removal.

Grand Coliseum comes into play tapped? Breaking your own rules. How is this better than Reflecting Pool?

Tarnished Citadel the worst rainbow land? You are running all of the dual lands in a 3 color deck. Seems unnecessary.

Swan Song is superior but you now have access Strix Serenade too.

Vanishing Verse really solid 2 mana removal. Answers a lot of potential problems this strategy might encounter.

July 1, 2024 8:23 a.m.

Said on Land Bois...

June 28, 2024 12:25 a.m.

Said on Enchanté...


Flashback is very cool. Up there with Buyback.

Angel of Despair on theme targeted removal.

Rite of Oblivion the sorcery speed hurts but the targeted removal, sac outlet and flashback help.

June 19, 2024 3:17 p.m.

My bad on Necrodominance. Anti-Null Brooch!

May I ask why such a hard no on Amphibian Downpour? This is cool design space. Humility is the global effect. Polymorphist's Jest is the silver bullet global effect. Amphibian Downpour is somewhere in between. You will always be playing it in response to a threat which gets neutered along with one other creature. That's the basic application. You run a bunch of 0, 1 and 2 mana spells a.k.a. perfect fodder for Storm debauchery. Or because of Flash in response to an opponents chain of spells.

June 17, 2024 4:09 p.m.

Soul Echo > Helix Pinnacle perhaps? Something to ponder...

Flickering Ward and/or Whip Silk

June 16, 2024 8:54 p.m.

Modern Horizons 3 gave you some potential new toys:

Amphibian Downpour mini Humility.

Necrodominance power at any cost.

Abstruse Appropriation removal theft.

June 16, 2024 7:39 p.m.

Said on Enchanté...


You might not be a Legacy player but you sure do like utilizing Legacy deck building strategies in EDH.

Eviscerator's Insight > Deadly Dispute

Flare of Fortitude and/or Flare of Malice

June 16, 2024 7:34 p.m.

Haha @ your maybe board. It is another deck!

Flickering Ward and/or Whip Silk are solid card drawing engines.

June 16, 2024 7:24 p.m.

Said on Sleep Paralysis...


Unearth doesn't do enough in your list. Ill-Gotten Gains does serious work with Tergrid.

June 16, 2024 11:54 a.m.

Said on Enchanté...


So Reanimate is better in the early game and allows you to utilize your opponents graveyard but it is bad deck building to rely on your opponents. The top of graveyard really bothers you, huh? I guess that's why WOTC did away with that wording. You are running an aristocrats strategy. YOU are in control of what ends up in the bin and when. Recurring Nightmare is banned for a reason. Corpse Dance is the next best thing.

Well you seem to like Legacy are you familiar with Shallow Grave? That's another Dark Ritual + Entomb sequence.

Ritual of the Machine less gimmicky

June 16, 2024 8:55 a.m.

Said on SufferFromEDHD...


I know we don't align politically but take your "Magic has taken the direction of profit above all else. It will be the end of the game eventually. It always happens." and apply it to my concerns...

We now live in a Trust-free/Truth-free society. Can't call it a civilization because that implies civility. Since 9/11 it has been a slow march towards a police state. Tax-free churches guarantee the masses stay ignorant. Predators reap all the rewards while the rest of us pay for the sins of their past. Only stupid people are breeding a.k.a. narcissistic replication.

Nothing's Gonna Change

Nation's Gonna Collapse

No Good Cops

June 16, 2024 7:38 a.m.

Said on Enchanté...


Dark Ritual into Entomb into Reanimate is OG Legacy. I get it... But this is EDH. Sure we have more life to play with but I don't think it is better. 1. Instant speed 2. Haste (in Orzhov!) 3. Deck has a sacrificing strategy which nullifies both "negatives" (the exile clause and what is on the top of your graveyard) 4. Forever in your hand

Vito, Fanatic of Aclazotz value

Blood Tribute/New Blood too gimmicky?

June 15, 2024 9:44 p.m.

Said on Enchanté...


One last thing to chew on over the weekend:

Corpse Dance > Reanimate. You are a sacrifice deck. The restriction is nullified. Buyback also breaks one of the fundamental rules of the game. 5 is a lot more than 1 but it is reusable, no life loss and instant speed.

June 15, 2024 8:29 p.m.

Said on Enchanté...


This is a really sweet angel aristocrats build!

Harsh Mercy > Wrath Of God perhaps?

Urborg Justice > Infernal Grasp perhaps?

June 15, 2024 8:04 p.m.

Said on Uyo Copy...


Retraced Image do it ;)

Your Riptide Laboratory needs its PB&J in Snapcaster Mage.

June 15, 2024 7:09 p.m.





MTG Decks

Zirilan of the Claw Dragon Chompy Dragon Stompy

Commander / EDH SufferFromEDHD


Death by Manlands

Commander / EDH SufferFromEDHD


Teferi, Mage of Zero Turns

Commander / EDH SufferFromEDHD


Karona, the False God Tribal

Commander / EDH SufferFromEDHD


Ghired, Conclave Exile Smokin' Token

Commander / EDH SufferFromEDHD


Simic Turbo Eldrazi

Commander / EDH SufferFromEDHD


Nekusar Wheeling & Dealing

Commander / EDH SufferFromEDHD


Numot: Leave. Everything. Destroyed.

Commander / EDH SufferFromEDHD


Finished Decks 216
Prototype Decks 1
Drafts 0
Playing since Mirage
Avg. deck rating 5.80
T/O Rank 19
Helper Rank 79
Favorite formats Legacy, Commander / EDH, Pauper EDH
Suppressed formats Standard, Alchemy, Standard Brawl, Historic, Modern, Canadian Highlander, Gladiator, Highlander, Leviathan, Premodern, Limited, Pre-release, Planechase, Archenemy, Vanguard, Oathbreaker, Block Constructed, Arena, Casual, Unformat, Quest Magic
Joined 8 years