I really love Magic! I've been playing for many years. I think I started playing around Ice Age. Since then I have been collecting and playing and it's been a blast. I own all the cards in all my decks since I don't like proxies. The only time I use proxies is when I go to vintage tournaments since I don't own any power9.

I have 13 casual 60 cards decks built so I can mess around with my friends and kill time. I mostly like to play cube and EDH. I have 3 cubes: a highlander invasion block cube (one of each card from Invasion, Apocalypse, and Planeshift), a Conpiracy 1 cube, and a Conspiracy 2 cube. I currently have 57 EDH decks built. It's getting to be a pain in the butt keeping all of them up to date with new cards. It's also difficult to play each of them equally. Some of them are really very overpowered and not fun to play against, while others are not fun even for me to play with. Over time I have taken a very casual approach to EDH. I don't like to make hyper competitive decks but I do like a well built deck with lots of little combos and synergies. I don't agree with several decisions the rules committee for EDH have made, particularly with regard to tuck. My house rules still allow commanders to be tucked and it has never gotten completely out of control. I firmly believe that cards shouldn't be banned, but assholes should be kicked out of groups and told to change their decks our find a new group.

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MTG Decks

It's good to be Queen :)

Commander / EDH Feyd-Rautha

SCORE: 1 | 172 VIEWS

The Lich Lord Wants to Party!

Commander / EDH Feyd-Rautha


Can't kill what you can't see :)

Commander / EDH Feyd-Rautha


Forget it, Jake. It's Mill-Town.

Commander / EDH Feyd-Rautha


Finished Decks 44
Prototype Decks 4
Drafts 0
Playing since Ice Age
Avg. deck rating 7.00
T/O Rank None yet
Helper Rank None yet
Favorite formats Legacy, Vintage, Commander / EDH, Pre-release, Casual
Joined 9 years