FallopianGolem says... #1

Profet93 I apologize for the confusion! My name is also a means at grabbing people's attention. It's my old Xbox Live username, so I just carried it forward as I made new accounts. People tend to find it kind of gross or disturbing. While others tend to think it's funny or unique. Sometimes a bit of both!

June 25, 2024 4:06 a.m.

Profet93 says... #2


I apologize, I meant to ask the inspiration behind your user name. My mistake. I appreciate you sharing with your explanation. You put a lot of effort into your deck as well.

June 25, 2024 3:57 a.m.

FallopianGolem says... #3

Profet93, thank you for your comment! There are a couple reasons I named the deck, "Removal Tribal."

Number one being the amount of removal spells the deck has available. If you count Karlov himself, the deck runs roughly eleven targeted removal spells and four board wipes. Since the main focus of the deck isn't winning Voltron style with Karlov, the deck is meant to utilize its removal as a means to control the board while setting up one of its various win cons. Karlov's ability to remove cards due to our life gain effects is its primary function, so pairing it with other targeted or mass removal drives that point home. Making it feel like you're always holding a loaded gun in front of your opponents.

The second reason is because I'm not the biggest fan of tribal decks, but everyone in my regular play group seemed to have one and enjoyed brewing more. Before I made my actual first tribal deck to compete with there's, I thought it was funny to claim Karlov was my tribal stand in. The name just sort of stuck after that! It's the aspect of the deck that people really seem to notice when playing against it, so I figured why not just advertise it in its name.

June 25, 2024 3:44 a.m.

Profet93 says... #4


I saw your Karlov deck on featured and had to ask, what is the inspiration behind your name? It's so uniquely interesting.

June 25, 2024 12:50 a.m.

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Said on FallopianGolem...


Profet93 I apologize for the confusion! My name is also a means at grabbing people's attention. It's my old Xbox Live username, so I just carried it forward as I made new accounts. People tend to find it kind of gross or disturbing. While others tend to think it's funny or unique. Sometimes a bit of both!

June 25, 2024 4:06 a.m.

Said on FallopianGolem...


Profet93, thank you for your comment! There are a couple reasons I named the deck, "Removal Tribal."

Number one being the amount of removal spells the deck has available. If you count Karlov himself, the deck runs roughly eleven targeted removal spells and four board wipes. Since the main focus of the deck isn't winning Voltron style with Karlov, the deck is meant to utilize its removal as a means to control the board while setting up one of its various win cons. Karlov's ability to remove cards due to our life gain effects is its primary function, so pairing it with other targeted or mass removal drives that point home. Making it feel like you're always holding a loaded gun in front of your opponents.

The second reason is because I'm not the biggest fan of tribal decks, but everyone in my regular play group seemed to have one and enjoyed brewing more. Before I made my actual first tribal deck to compete with there's, I thought it was funny to claim Karlov was my tribal stand in. The name just sort of stuck after that! It's the aspect of the deck that people really seem to notice when playing against it, so I figured why not just advertise it in its name.

June 25, 2024 3:44 a.m.


Commander / EDH - Lifegain, Commander / EDH - WB (Orzhov)

MTG Decks

Removal Tribal (Karlov of the Ghost Council EDH)

Commander / EDH FallopianGolem


Garth Value feat. Maze's End

Commander / EDH FallopianGolem


Dwarfyo Drift

Commander / EDH FallopianGolem


Temur Two Tanas (Triple T)

Commander / EDH FallopianGolem



Commander / EDH FallopianGolem


Finished Decks 24
Prototype Decks 1
Drafts 0
Playing since 2011 Core Set
Points 0
Avg. deck rating 18.29
T/O Rank None yet
Helper Rank 290
Favorite formats Pauper, Commander / EDH, Limited, Pre-release
Cards suggested / good suggestions 20 / 8
Joined 8 years