Long time filthy casual who dabbles in some sweatier formats like Legacy and cEDH, I mostly brew Commander decks that range from Casual to High Power.

Of particular interest is my pod of Legends Beaters, decks built around some of those Legends creatures you look at and wonder how they ever got famous enough to be a Legendary Creature! Wonder no more how they achieved such lofty status in a world where Royal Assassin was kicking around, because achieve it they clearly did! These decks are meant to explore that space a bit, as well as dabble in an alternate Dominaria, so many of the Role Play elements of those decks don't necessarily fit the Magic canon, nor are they entirely serious (as should be apparent).

Pavel the Mighty, Hero We Deserve Rakdos Chaos Control (radical egalitarian, carnival strong man, and rock musician out to improve the world through chaos)
Tobias Andrion, Political Mastermind Azorius Political Weenies (think leader of the Dominarian equivalent of the CIA, only he's a long distance telepath that invents mechs)
Riven, Savior of the People Dimir Interactive Combo (often Archenemy, this cutthroat for Casual deck uses combos. Riven uses populism and unrest to recruit people into organized crime)
Falconer of the Forbidden Way Gruul Eldrazi (ridiculous average MV beaters deck, the old 'downtrodden trod up' story, only with WAY more tentacles)
The Legend of Green Eyes (Lord Magnus) Selesnya Tokens/Anthems (charismatic Druid fighting to protect nature, nouns follow him anywhere, the pod's 'good guy')

Each of these is designed to generate fun and memorable games, with all of them eschewing things that are overly fast or powerful. They are all designed to do things their colour pair excels at. Interestingly enough, the better decks are usually able to hold their own in general metas, but I think it's safe to say that piloting them requires more skill than an average deck if you want win regularly. Over time I'll probably add more storyline to them, and/or clean up what's there already.

Another couple recent decks I'm very fond of that could probably be played vs a wide range of decks:

Staxdrop! (Snowdrop Vorthos Deck) This is my Snowdrop deck, it's designed to be played vs relatively powerful decks, probably 6-8 power level, below that it's too oppressive potentially.

Blood for the Bloodbraid! This is my Kresh deck, Kresh is an old Commander that came out during my really long hiatus from Magic, so I never got to play with him when he was 'fresh'. As is it can get out of hand, and since I've added some more spice to the deck it is very able to pull off explosive wins, this deck no longer has to win via attacks. I feel like it's probably getting too spicy for 6s, and might be able to hang with 8s more effectively.

My cEDH deck is Zur cEDH (Proxies), this is the proxy version, but I technically have the paper for Salt Miner (Rule of Law cEDH), my OG cEDH deck. The deck is complete homebrew, so keep that in mind if you take inspiration from it, but if you can keep other people from winning early it is a shockingly oppressive deck. Salt Miner is a fairly strong High Power deck as well fwiw, Rule of Law also does a lot of work in High Power, if not quite as much as cEDH.

I have tons of other decks, some of which have been kept up to date. If out of date most aren't wildly so, and I've found that it usually doesn't matter in practice if you don't run the 'best' of something and the 2nd best isn't 'way worse'.

DreadKhan says... #1

hheraa I don't use discord (not sure what it is tbh), but if you want more help you can always tag me in a comment, you can click on the little head-and-shoulders icon just above the text box, and then type/paste my username after the : to tag me. You can also type it out you enclose user: followed by the username you want tagged in double square brackets [ [ (with no spaces). It's hard to explain this to people because they've set up the site to detect when you're 'close' to a tag so people don't post broken tags constantly.

Also, as you've figured out, if you do a ton of brainstorming work and you feel like a deck is cluttered you can make a new post for it, so you can also just start brainstorming and then tag me in a comment on the new deck, the site will then notify me.

I can get pretty busy sometimes, but I check this site most mornings, if only to cycle a deck, so it shouldn't take me too long to get back to you. Hope your Teysa deck works for you!

June 5, 2024 5:38 a.m.

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Said on Ode to God …...


Awesome to see a Kresh list, I feel like he's pretty underplayed. I have a list of my own you might take a look at (Blood for the Bloodbraid!, though it might be trying too hard for what you're aiming to achieve here (for example we both have Elemental Mastery, but I run it with Purphoros, God of the Forge because as long as Kresh has a high power the two win on the spot, my list has lots of stuff that wins very quickly once Kresh reaches critical mass). Another card that can go off with Kresh almost without support is All Will Be Counters, because you can just machine gun down the whole board if you can kill something big to kick things off. You also might find a use for Ezuri's Predation, it is a lot of mana, but the effect is such that you almost always end up with a huge Kresh and a few 4/4s to chump with, it plays better in Kresh than in most other lists. Oh, and incase you want to one-shot someone you might try Mandate of Abaddon, if Kresh is bigger than everything a particular player has out then you play this and one-shot them, is that a reasonable play for your meta?

If you want any specific help with Kresh, feel free to ask, he's an incredibly fun Commander to build, there are just so many cards that are absolutely bonkers together (and with Kresh).

June 29, 2024 3:52 p.m.

Changeling Outcast isn't from Lord of the Rings, but you can put Army counters on it because it's also an army. You can also try Mistwalker and/or Taurean Mauler, though they aren't as evasive.

Cool list, always neat to see a strong Sauron deck!

June 25, 2024 8:25 p.m.

Said on Edh options...


He's not heavily played, but Kresh the Bloodbraided can do some absolutely nutso things when he's big enough, and the deck often has some control elements (especially vs creatures, the deck wants to kill off everything but Kresh typically). It can be built on a budget (for Casual play) or as a High Power deck. On a budget you run all of the Merciless Executioner effects you can find, and at higher power you'll still run a bunch of them, but you'll also have Dictate of Erebos effects. Rite of the Raging Storm by itself turns Kresh into a huge body, and it's easy to include lots of Flings/Chandra's Ignition/Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord to win, but you can also use stuff like Mandate of Abaddon to wipe the board and one-shot someone, there are a TON of cards that play very well with Kresh, and people probably aren't familiar with the deck at this point.

Another option might be Azorius Control, Azorius is a great pair for wipes, removal and countermagic, meaning you can deal with problems, both for yourself as well as the table. I guess you might go something like Shorikai, Genesis Engine and play any vehicles that don't suck? You can freely wipe your pilots without risking your vehicles, even without things like Teferi's Protection. The card draw Shorikai offers can really help you dig, and it synergizes with untap effects.

My final idea would be something like Sauron, the Dark Lord, Grixis gives you a lot of control options, and Sauron makes you a big honking army very readily, and fwiw you can make an evasive Changeling (like Changeling Outcast) your Army in place of a token. Grixis struggles a bit vs certain types of permanents, but you can certainly pressure people and have input as to what stays around.

Oh yeah, just thought of a bad idea I've never gotten around to testing, but you might be able to build Optimus Prime, Hero  Flip with all the Jeskai wipes you can find? Optimus can 'survive' a wipe, so as long as you can give him Haste somehow you can swing each turn vs a cleared board, wiping whenever anyone gets anything relevant out. Would it be obnoxious? Incredibly so. But I think it could work, especially since you have Red for various good Haste sources. You probably need lots of things to protect Optimus from Swords effects, including a smattering of Blue counters that are either free or cost {U} so you can hold them up.

Taking a look at other people's ideas, I support Karazikar and Breena, both seem like great fits!

June 25, 2024 8:56 a.m.

MTG Decks

Tobias Andrion, Political Mastermind

Commander / EDH* DreadKhan


Blood for the Bloodbraid!

Commander / EDH DreadKhan


Falconer of the Forbidden Way

Commander / EDH* DreadKhan


Pavel the Mighty, Hero We Deserve

Commander / EDH DreadKhan


Identical Twins*

Commander / EDH DreadKhan


Blackstar (Yo pumpkin head)

Commander / EDH* DreadKhan


Sygg's Labour Relations Incorporated

Commander / EDH DreadKhan


Finished Decks 67
Prototype Decks 42
Drafts 0
Playing since Revised Edition
Avg. deck rating 7.76
T/O Rank 18
Helper Rank 8
Favorite formats Legacy, Commander / EDH
Suppressed formats Standard, Alchemy, Pioneer, Canadian Highlander, Highlander, Leviathan, Pre-release, Tiny Leaders, Oathbreaker, Block Constructed, Arena, Unformat
Cards suggested / good suggestions 617 / 277
Joined 4 years