Would Encroaching Mycosynth make Aura Enchantments legal targets for Dance of the Manse?

Asked by MartinEMcArthur 2 months ago

Since Encroaching turns all nonland permanents into artifacts including aura enchantments in the graveyard, would you be able to then bring auras back with Dance of the Manse? I’m assuming no, but I’m still curious how the interaction works.

wallisface says... Accepted answer #1

Yes you would be able to, as Encroaching Mycosynth makes them artifacts, and Dance of the Manse allows you to return artifacts.

303.4f If an Aura is entering the battlefield under a player’s control by any means other than by resolving as an Aura spell, and the effect putting it onto the battlefield doesn’t specify the object or player the Aura will enchant, that player chooses what it will enchant as the Aura enters the battlefield. The player must choose a legal object or player according to the Aura’s enchant ability and any other applicable effects.

If there’s nothing legal for those auras to enchant, they’s remain in the grave. I believe is us true even if Dance of the Manse would have them additionally be creatures.

Actually - just never let the aura also be a creature, or you’ll kill it:

An Aura that's also a creature can't enchant anything. If this occurs somehow, the Aura becomes unattached, then is put into its owner's graveyard. (These are state-based actions. See rule 704.)

April 29, 2024 10:10 p.m.

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