Tapping an untapped land on an opponents turn but don't cast a spell

Asked by runelord 6 years ago

in 6 player game If I have Manabarbs, First Response, Soul Warden, and Soul's Attendant and an untapped land for each player can I tap a land for mana on each oponents turn to trigger all the abilities even if I don't cast a spell?

Kogarashi says... Accepted answer #2

Yes, you can.

Assume a four-player game, the aforementioned cards, and three untapped lands. You're player A.

Player B's turn, you tap one of your lands and add the mana to your pool. Manabarbs deals one damage to you.

Player C's turn comes around, and on their upkeep First Response gives you a 1/1 white Soldier. Soul Warden and Soul's Attendant then both cause you to gain 1 life each, for a total of 2. You could then tap your land to trigger the cycle again, so that on Player D's turn you've again gained 1 creature and 2 life, and on their turn you could do it once more so that when your turn rolls around you start off with the same.

And lucky for you mana burn hasn't been a thing since before Magic 2010.

June 20, 2018 9:56 p.m.

Kogarashi says... #3

Basically, nothing prevents you from tapping the land for mana, and nothing forces you to have to spend that mana.

June 20, 2018 9:57 p.m.

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