Sakura Tribe Elder and Lightning Bolt interactions

Asked by GregGreg 8 years ago

1) Can i sacrifice Sakura-Tribe Elder after my opponent has targeted it with Lightning Bolt? If yes will i get the land?

2) Can i sacrifice Sakura-Tribe Elder in response to Lightning Bolt? If yes will i get the land?

merrowMania says... Accepted answer #1

1) Yes. Yes.Before any spell or ability resolves, all players receive priority. This is when you would sac the Elder.

2) This question is identical to 1.

July 9, 2016 5:50 a.m.

Gidgetimer says... #2

Both of your questions are the same thing only worded differently. "In response" is by definition after targets have been chosen and the spell has been cast, but before it resolves.

Yes you can sac Sakura-Tribe Elder in response to a spell that will kill it as long as that spell doesn't have split second. Once you pay the cost of an ability (in this case sacrificing the elder) it will go on the stack and, as long as no one counters the ability, later resolve having its effect.

July 9, 2016 6 a.m.

GregGreg says... #3

Thank you, i will remember to never write before going to bed.

July 9, 2016 6:17 a.m.

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