Multiple Sacrifice Triggers

Asked by RedDiomedes 8 years ago

Lets use the example of Merciless Executioner and Eldrazi Scion.

The first card forces me to sacrifice a creature. The second card says If I sacrifice it I get 1 Mana. Now if I am forced to sacrifice the scion because of Merciless Executioner do I still get the mana or will I not because the trigger was from Merciless Executioner not because I chose to sacrifice it for the mana?

similar interaction possibilities can result because of Nantuko Husk and Butcher of the Horde

Boza says... Accepted answer #1

No, the scion (as seen on Blight Herder) has an ability (not a trigger) that says that the cost of it is to sacrifice it and the you get for your troubles. Sacrificing it via any other means other the scion's own ability will not give you said .

Similarly, for husk and butcher, if you do not activate their own ability and sacrifice a creature as a means to pay, you will not get the benefit.

These are known as activated abilities, easily recognized since they are templated as "cost : effect". anything before the colon is the cost to activate said ability. If you pay that particular cost as part of activating the ability, only then you get the benefit of the effect.

September 15, 2015 8:44 a.m.

Epochalyptik says... #2

You can never use one payment for multiple costs. One sacrifice will not pay for two triggered abilities, two activation costs, or a triggered ability and an activation cost just as one mana cannot pay for two spells.

September 15, 2015 8:56 a.m.

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