If I make a token copy of a creature with Bramble Sovereign and Ashaya, Soul of the Wild out, would the token copy made be a land creature?

Asked by JoyTheEnbySliverLover 11 months ago

So I am mostly interested in how the interaction works around card types. Ashaya, Soul of the Wild doesn't make tokens into land creatures with her ability, I know that much, but the creature I want to copy would be a land so I am wondering if that copy would inherit the land type. I honestly don't know and I am considering using Ashaya, Soul of the Wild in a deck that makes a lot of copies of creature. Would be nice to know if some of those copies would be land creatures.

For an example of an interaction like what I would be using, imagine I had a Bramble Sovereign and Ashaya, Soul of the Wild on the battlefield and I cast a Llanowar Elves then paid the to make a token copy of Llanowar Elves, would the token copy be a land in addition to its other types?

Rhadamanthus says... Accepted answer #1

The token copy in your example would just be a regular Llanowar Elves and wouldn't be a land. Basically, copy effects just copy what's written on the original, plus the results of any other copy effects the original is subject to (i.e. copying a Phyrexian Metamorph pretending to be Runeclaw Bear will make another Runeclaw Bear that's also an artifact). Any other effects that might be altering the original's characteristics aren't copied over.

July 11, 2023 8:52 a.m.

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