If a Enchantment with counters (Ex: Nine Lives) is given to the opponent via cards like Harmless Offering, do the counters remain on the Enchantment?

Asked by KillerQueen98 3 years ago

I'm trying to build a Nine Lives deck centered around the enchantment itself, to make the card more efficient in winning the match for me, the counters would have to stay on the enchantment but i'm almost certain that the rules don't allow counters to transfer with an enchantment if the opponent gains control of it.

Tylord2894 says... Accepted answer #1

For future reference, you can surround a card's name with double brackets, "[", to link the card's image to the name (i.e. [ [ Harmless Offering ] ] without the spaces turns into Harmless Offering. This works sitewide.

To your question though, a permanent with counters does not lose those counters if someone else gains control of it through a Mind Control or Threaten type effect. In general, there are two ways a permanent can lose counters, effect removes them or that permanent leaves the battlefield.

Hope this helps!!

July 27, 2020 7:22 p.m.

KillerQueen98 says... #2

It does and thanks for the advice

July 27, 2020 9:02 p.m.

Rhadamanthus says... #3

KillerQueen98: An answer to your question has been up for a while. Since it's clear you're satisfied with the response and there don't seem to be any follow-ups or corrections to be made, I marked it as the "Accepted answer" so that this topic can move out of the list of unanswered questions. Please remember to take care of this yourself in the future.

August 3, 2020 3:17 p.m.

danielgonmar says... #4

Then, can you move a counter from [Nine lives] to another permanent using [Resourceful Defense]?

May 14, 2024 7:42 a.m.

Rhadamanthus says... #5

danielgonmar: You need to use double square brackets around the card's name to make the link work - Nine Lives, Resourceful Defense

To answer your question, since Resourceful Defense only moves counters between things you control, the same player has to control both Nine Lives and the Defense in order to use the Defense to move counters off of Nine Lives. If they're controlled by different players, which might be the situation in the original question where things are being moved around with Harmless Offering, then it won't work.

Also, it's much better to post a new question as its own topic rather than respond to a very old one. With the way this site works, adding a new post to a Rules Q&A discussion doesn't move the topic to the top of the list. This topic is about 4 years old, so the only reason I was aware of your comment is because the site auto-subscribed me for notifications on this topic after I originally posted in it. If you had happened to post in a topic where the only people involved in the discussion were no longer active users then no one would have seen your question.

May 14, 2024 9:13 a.m.

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