Clones with death effects?

Asked by Luken 8 years ago

If i make clone of a Academy Rector (rulings of this card reads "when this card dies" on gatherer and Would i be able to use the death trigger to search for an enchantment?

If i'm unable to do so with Academy Rector, how about with Ashen Rider's death effect?

lemmingllama says... Accepted answer #1

Assuming it was a clone card like Clone or Clever Impersonator, you could get those death triggers. Even though it's name would revert back to it's card name when it enters the graveyard, the ability would still track it.

706.10. If an effect refers to a permanent by name, the effect still tracks that permanent even if it changes names or becomes a copy of something else.

If it was a token, the token would cease to exist before the trigger could go off. You would get a death trigger for Ashen Rider, but there would be nothing to exile for Academy Rector's trigger.

October 25, 2015 8:55 a.m.

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