Are 'as this enters' and 'as you cast' abilities replacement effects, and how and when do multiple of these apply to a permanent entering the battlefield?

Asked by Yesterday 5 years ago

A few questions here.

Mox Diamond has a replacement effect applying if it would enter the battlefield, ultimately allowing it to enter the battlefield. It enters the battlefield at the same time as it would if it didn't have a replacement effect.

So I'm drawing a parallel for instant and sorcery spells — effects which say to do something 'as you cast an instant or sorcery spell' ( Splicer's Skill ) or 'as you cast this spell' ( Anoint ). So these are also replacement effects, right? They take you casting the spell and replace it with you casting the spell + another effect? As I understand it, this makes sense because some cards ( Yidris, Maelstrom Wielder ) would need these effects to apply before triggers would go on the stack from casting their respective spells.

Are all 'as ~ enters the battlefield' effects also replacement effects? I know Clone is. Is Thunder-Thrash Elder ? Is Master Biomancer ?

Also, I regret waiting so long to ask this section of this question, but I discovered a related oddity while playing Magic: Arena about a month ago. We were playing one of the weird game modes allegedly related to the War of the Spark storyline, where each player starts the game with a Momir Vig, Simic Visionary Avatar emblem. There was a creature on each side of the battlefield, and I activated the emblem, getting a Clone creature (one of Mirror Image / Protean Raider / Spark Double ), and wasn't given the option to have the token enter as a copy of another creature.

I was looking up rulings, and on Prototype Portal on Gatherer (as imprinting a Phyrexian Metamorph would also result in creating a clone token), it mentions "Any “as [this permanent] enters the battlefield” or “[this permanent] enters the battlefield with” abilities of the exiled card will also work."

Is there a ruling that I'm not understanding here? Or do I understand correctly, but this must be a case of either there's an Arena oversight or I must be misremembering?

Gidgetimer says... Accepted answer #1

Kicker and splice are in fact replacement effects, as are most other optional additional and alternative costs. The Arena thing seems to be a bug, you should have been able to clone a thing.

June 22, 2019 2:06 p.m.

Yesterday says... #2


June 25, 2019 9:40 a.m.

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