Pauper Cube for New Players

Ended 2 days ago

Player DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart LightEntropy pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart DraftBot pie chart
Seat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 - 1 Plumes of Peace Overrule Counterspell Entourage of Trest Chain Lightning Elvish Mystic Ponder Mulldrifter
1 - 2 Spiketail Drakeling Judge's Familiar Elusive Spellfist Cryptic Serpent Sparkspitter Cuombajj Witches Underworld Rage-Hound Phyrexian Gargantua
1 - 3 Deep Analysis Gnarlback Rhino Explorer's Scope Triplicate Spirits Cage of Hands Snap Wight of Precinct Six Goblin Wizardry
1 - 4 Looter il-Kor Thorn of the Black Rose Fiery Cannonade Crib Swap Prophetic Prism Ill-Gotten Inheritance Dinrova Horror Rakdos Carnarium
1 - 5 Lyev Skyknight Heliod's Pilgrim Sky Theater Strix Settle Beyond Reality Soul's Attendant Sunlance Werebear Prismatic Lens
1 - 6 Dimir Guildmage Rally the Peasants Quick Study Spelleater Wolverine Lightning Strike Guardian Idol Armadillo Cloak Sanitarium Skeleton
1 - 7 Cartouche of Solidarity Afterlife Hopeless Nightmare Fireball Raise the Alarm Acorn Harvest Orzhov Basilica Pyre Hound
1 - 8 Journey to Nowhere Gingerbrute Phyrexian Espionage Kytheon's Tactics All That Glitters Slippery Bogle Lead the Stampede Firebrand Archer
1 - 9 Tranquil Cove Snake Umbra Crypt Rats Bloodfell Caves Cogwork Librarian Carrion Feeder Waterfront Bouncer Magmatic Sinkhole
1 - 10 Momentary Blink Wind-Scarred Crag Ornithopter of Paradise Reaper of Night Unearth Winged Coatl Blightning Generator Servant
1 - 11 Dawn Charm Silverbluff Bridge Grabby Giant Rift Bolt Goblin Electromancer Dread Linnorm Wither and Bloom Searing Blaze
1 - 12 Staunch Throneguard Bubble Snare Accursed Marauder Garruk's Companion Spare Supplies Perilous Landscape The Modern Age  Flip Bound in Gold
1 - 13 Hexgold Slith Goldmire Bridge Harrier Strix Rustvale Bridge Destroy Evil Cryptic Spires Phantom Interference Make Your Mark
1 - 14 Inspiring Overseer Soul of Migration Electric Revelation Reckless Lackey Galvanic Relay You Meet in a Tavern Bayou Groff Ecstatic Awakener  Flip
1 - 15 Fall from Favor Miner's Guidewing Greater Tanuki Boarding Party Reckoner's Bargain Mishra's Onslaught You Hear Something on Watch Massive Might
2 - 1 Repulse Mana Leak Fire / Ice Thriving Isle Pillory of the Sleepless Everflowing Chalice Delver of Secrets  Flip Barbed Lightning
2 - 2 Rain of Revelation Wretched Gryff Thriving Bluff Chromatic Star Guardians' Pledge Changeling Outcast Wildheart Invoker Scoured Barrens
2 - 3 Sacred Cat Thriving Moor Izzet Charm Llanowar Elves Thunderous Wrath Ambush Viper Elgaud Shieldmate Soul Reap
2 - 4 Palace Sentinels Quicksand Cerebral Confiscation Monastery Swiftspear Beetleback Chief Shambleshark Hooting Mandrills Bloodcrazed Neonate
2 - 5 Militia Bugler AEthersnipe Diregraf Horde Cartouche of Strength Wee Dragonauts Wild Hunger Lignify Chainer's Edict
2 - 6 Archaeomancer Gideon's Lawkeeper Cloudfin Raptor Cogwork Librarian Tenth District Legionnaire Drown in Sorrow Voracious Typhon Soulbright Flamekin
2 - 7 Death Denied Witching Well Goblin Researcher Vines of Vastwood Skyknight Legionnaire Presence of Gond Mutagenic Growth Faceless Butcher
2 - 8 Blossoming Sands Contaminated Landscape Cliffgate Frenzied Arynx Skyscanner Dauthi Mercenary Elephant Guide Squee's Embrace
2 - 9 Mesmeric Fiend Shadow Rift Lose Focus Rancor Burst Lightning Dusk Legion Zealot Undergrowth Scavenger Terminate
2 - 10 Mistvault Bridge Ethereal Armor Glimpse the Impossible Deceptive Landscape Audacious Thief Gurmag Angler Wirewood Savage Forever Young
2 - 11 Armored Armadillo Qasali Pridemage Mental Journey Loxodon Partisan Tanglepool Bridge Gluttonous Slug Escape Tunnel Grisly Salvage
2 - 12 Feed the Swarm Snakeskin Veil Scrapwork Mutt Urn of Godfire Empty the Warrens Benevolent Blessing Mnemonic Sphere Kiln Fiend
2 - 13 Rowan's Grim Search Sheltering Landscape Ravenform Tithing Blade  Flip Thrilling Discovery Persistent Specimen Jewel Thief Oliphaunt
2 - 14 Terminal Agony Tocasia's Dig Site You Find the Villains' Lair End the Festivities Writhing Chrysalis Writhing Necromass Abundant Harvest Cleansing Wildfire
2 - 15 Blood Researcher Floodhound Gnawing Crescendo Captured by Lagacs Azure Fleet Admiral You Are Already Dead Teach by Example Dance of the Tumbleweeds
3 - 1 Tithe Drinker Bonder's Ornament Dwarven Forge-Chanter Chosen by Heliod Ulamog's Crusher Magnifying Glass Rhizome Lurcher Skewer the Critics
3 - 2 Unmake Syndic of Tithes Rolling Thunder Thriving Grove Serrated Scorpion Thriving Heath Mind Stone Lightning Bolt
3 - 3 Battle Screech Warden of Evos Isle Guildsworn Prowler Dimir Aqueduct Guardian of the Guildpact Gray Merchant of Asphodel Treasure Cruise Seer's Lantern
3 - 4 Selesnya Sanctuary Peek Trespasser's Curse Mold Shambler Kathari Bomber Azorius Chancery Experiment One Forked Bolt
3 - 5 Call the Cavalry Ash Barrens Black Dragon Gate Winding Way Izzet Boilerworks Evincar's Justice Condescend Storm Caller
3 - 6 Healer's Hawk Sumala Woodshaper Okiba Reckoner Raid  Flip Golgari Rot Farm Loyal Pegasus Soul Manipulation Simic Growth Chamber Dismal Backwater
3 - 7 Cave of Temptation Hyena Umbra Tandem Lookout Pierce Strider Ardenvale Tactician Dreg Mangler Gladecover Scout Fiery Temper
3 - 8 Gruul Turf Annoyed Altisaur Spiketail Hatchling Survival Cache Faithless Looting Mother Bear Into the Roil Rugged Highlands
3 - 9 Consult the Necrosages Pentarch Ward Shambling Ghast Wildsize Pyroceratops Coiling Oracle Exclude Cogwork Librarian
3 - 10 Bloodwater Entity Cogwork Librarian Bump in the Night Razortide Bridge Village Rites Spellstutter Sprite Swiftwater Cliffs Syphon Life
3 - 11 Parhelion Patrol Blessed Hippogriff Scurrilous Sentry Hordeling Outburst Breathless Knight Sneaky Snacker Talons of Wildwood Thornwood Falls
3 - 12 Twisted Landscape Parish-Blade Trainee Hard Evidence Krosan Tusker Slagwoods Bridge Seeker of Sunlight Thornglint Bridge Manor Gate
3 - 13 Mold Folk Consider Unholy Heat Charge of the Mites Stagecoach Security Witness Protection Revolutionist Troll of Khazad-dum
3 - 14 Nyxborn Unicorn Prizefight Nyxborn Hydra Careful Cultivation Tolarian Terror Poison Dart Frog Crimson Fleet Commodore Argivian Phalanx
3 - 15 Pegasus Guardian Vault Plunderer Big Score Infuse with Vitality Witty Roastmaster Weakstone's Subjugation Faithful Watchdog Faerie Guidemother / Gift of the Fae
4 - 1 Vampire Sovereign Preordain Firebolt Fyndhorn Elves Chromatic Sphere Liliana's Specter Sakura-Tribe Elder Go for the Throat
4 - 2 Relief Captain Capsize Fade Away Llanowar Visionary Thermo-Alchemist Moodmark Painter Shielding Plax Flame Rift
4 - 3 Gift of Orzhova Cenn's Enlistment Murmuring Mystic Citanul Woodreaders Suture Priest Rampant Growth Manamorphose Balduvian Rage
4 - 4 Segovian Angel Arcane Spyglass Make Disappear Bonesplitter Rhox Veteran Pestilence Giantbaiting Cast Down
4 - 5 Seeker of the Way Remove Soul Lorien Revealed Call of the Conclave Staggershock Vampiric Link Jungle Hollow Goblin War Party
4 - 6 Dread Return Boros Garrison Serum Visions Greater Sandwurm Dragon Fodder Quandrix Pledgemage Trumpeting Herd Lava Spike
4 - 7 Vault Skirge Hindering Light Thunder Drake Cultivate Goblin Bushwhacker Burning-Tree Emissary Colossal Might Cathartic Reunion
4 - 8 Read the Bones Apostle's Blessing Eyekite Foreboding Landscape Faith's Fetters First-Sphere Gargantua Silhana Ledgewalker Fireblade Artist
4 - 9 Night's Whisper Frantic Search Spiked Pit Trap Shattered Landscape Thrill of Possibility Moldervine Cloak Satyr Wayfinder Citadel Gate
4 - 10 Tranquil Landscape Celestial Regulator Seething Landscape Zektar Shrine Expedition Body Dropper Darkmoss Bridge Vivien's Grizzly Ninja's Kunai
4 - 11 Clay Revenant Pressure Point Blitz Automaton Weather the Storm Dawnglare Invoker Far Wanderings Fierce Empath Lembas
4 - 12 Drossforge Bridge Candy Trail Skittering Crustacean Colossal Dreadmask Spirited Companion Drey Keeper Thornweald Archer Phyrexian Warhorse
4 - 13 Bountiful Landscape Maelstrom Colossus Aquatic Alchemist Joraga Visionary Rally at the Hornburg Pulse of Murasa Chatterstorm Blood Aspirant
4 - 14 You're Confronted by Robbers Not Dead After All Sword Coast Serpent Dawnbringer Cleric Ranger's Guile Novice Inspector Sea Gate Retrofitted Transmogrant
4 - 15 Deadly Dispute Battlefield Raptor Moon-Circuit Hacker Mirrorshell Crab Priest of Ancient Lore Goring Warplow Otherworldly Gaze Eureka Moment