
Instant (53)

Sorcery (86)

Enchantment (19)

With practice, you can win consistently on the fourth turn. The deck plays with three main objectives:

  • Early Yidris - In your first 7 cards you will draw on around 3 lands and 2 cards that allow you to cast Yidris early.

  • After attacking on the next turn, play a 1 mana spell to cascade into Wheel of Fate to draw a fresh hand

  • Lastly, draw enough cards, reset the Wheel of Fate into the deck and make enough mana to cast Aetherflux Reservoir and win.

Don't be tempted to play any storm enabling cards until you have Yidris's ability as an active effect.

Reshape and Transmute Artifact can be cascaded into to tutor an artifact land, Aetherflux Reservoir, or Wishclaw Talisman if you need to reset the wheel, or cast to find Mana Vault to make mana off of cascade

Crop Rotation - Nets mana if cascaded into, cascades into the wheel, and finds Cephalid Coliseum for card filtering to help reduce the possibility of fizzling. Can also find Ancient Tomb for a mana boost or Mystic Sanctuary to reset the wheel.

Hedge Maze - A great turn one fetch with a fetchland to surveil for the missing pieces.

Any board wipes. Interaction with opponent needs to be limited to those that prevent storming off. Destroy enchantment mode on Emerald Charm and Broken Bond to deal with Eidolon of Rhetoric, Ethersworn Cannonist and Rule of Law are important.

Black Lotus and the Moxen - Despite being banned in EDH, these cards would be unsuitable in the deck. Cascading into these after playing a 1 mana spell would mean that you wouldn't cast Wheel of Fate and would likely fizzle. Same goes for Chrome Mox, Lotus Petal, Lotus Bloom, Mox Diamond, Lion's Eye Diamond, etc.

Gitaxian Probe - Although it seems like an auto include, playing a 2 drop and cascading into this doesn't make any mana.

Mana dorks or Dryad Arbor - Even though you might get Yidris out a turn sooner, you are more likely to fizzle later due to summoning sickness.

Doomsday - Usually requires you to play Gitaxian Probe (which I've already addressed), but also Laboratory Maniac which doesn't make mana or draw cards. Still a potential though if someone can suggest to me a decent enough package.

1 or 2 mana cantrip/card-draw spells - To ensure a continuing storm, it is important to include only 1 and 2 mana spells that make you mana excluding Wheel of Fate. Same goes for any card manipulation such as Sensei's Divining Top or Sylvan Library. This means that playing any 2 mana ritual-like card will either break even, make additional mana, or cast Wheel of Fate.

Past in Flames - Doesn't make mana by itself. A significant number of mana producers in the deck are artifacts and creatures. The spells cast from the grave won't have cascade. Won't let you cast Wheel of Fate from the grave on the turn you're storming off. I don't deny that in the late game this card does a lot of work but card draw is more important in the early stages of the game. Same goes for Yawgmoth's Will.

Ancestral Vision - This is a close one. Inclusion would mean that cascading from a 1 mana spell would give you a 50% chance of drawing 3 cards rather than 7. Admittedly, having the means to cascade off of another 1 mana spell without the need to return Wheel of Fate back into the deck is appealing but the security associated with having the certainty of hitting the wheel is important.

Land ramp spells that put lands into play tapped - Cards like Farseek, Cultivate, and Kodama's Reach are too slow and will stop you from continuing the storm if hit by cascade.

Tendrils of Agony, Ignite Memories, Eye of the Storm, and other wincons- These cards are obviously powerful and would be just as legitimate wincon as the reservoir. The tutourablilty of Aetherflux Reservoir off of Reshape and Transmute Artifacts is why I prefer it as a win condition.

Cascade cards like Deny Reality, Violent Outburst, Bloodbraid Elf, Maelstrom Wanderer etc. - None make enough mana to justify play.

Suggestions more than welcome!


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War of the Spark introduced no additions to this deck. Cards that were concidered were as follows: Finale of Promise - 2 mana wheel of fate is good but it's not always in the graveyard Finale of devistation - can draw cards and make mana (if Peregrine Drake was included) but no zero mana creature that makes mana immediatly if cascaded into (Dryad Arbor has summoning sickness) Narset's Reversal - can get double cast triggers from hand but bad to cascade into off of non-instant/sorcery 4+ mana spells Bolt Bend - protection and discount in cost could result in casting 3 drops for 1 mana off of cascade but doesn't make mana or draw cards Arboreal Grazer - 1 mana ramp spell but land enters tapped Neoform - can find pereguine drake and make mana or a five drop creature to draw cards but that creature doesn't exist (maybe God-Eternal Bontu?) God-Eternal Bontu - good card draw but requires you to be in a good position (win-more)



91% Competitive

Date added 8 years
Last updated 4 days

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

5 - 0 Mythic Rares

36 - 0 Rares

27 - 0 Uncommons

32 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 1.95
Tokens Clue, Spirit 1/1 C, Treasure
Folders Zombies, Commander
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