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Commander / EDH*



Artifact (1)


Enchantment (1)

Creature (1)

Hi, Ok so I have to many competitive edh decks or what ever that means. But I often end up in games with people who are playing with out of the box commander decks or just ... you know, well lets just say there decks have a lot of character and spirit. So this is my solution. The goal of this deck is to use as many of those cards that flat out say you win the game as possible. Because the game has to end.

I will start with showing you infinite mana and lots of myr. Then show you the straight up wins

Infinite mana

  1. Myr Galvanizer + Phyrexian Metamorph or Clever Impersonator then Palladium Myr or two of any of the other six myr mana dork.

  2. look up ^ now look down v Myr Matrix

**Infinite tokens **

  1. Add this to the combo above Myr Propagator

  2. Workshop Assistant and Myr Retriever and or Junk Diver + Genesis Chamber or Summoning Station then + Krark-Clan Ironworks or Ashnod's Altar

  3. Karmic Guide + Reveillark + Ashnod's Altar infinite mana add Genesis Chamber for infinite myr

Infinite Damage

  1. Blasting Station + infinite myr

  2. Blasting Station + Summoning Station

-Note -myr are also my mana rocks

-islands are place holders add any non-basics you want

Straight up wins

**Epic Struggle: **

  1. lots of myr

  2. Storm Herd

Maze's End:

  1. Tempt with Discovery

  2. Amulet of Vigor

  3. Expedition Map maybe board tutors a weak

  4. Scapeshift

Mechanized Production:

  1. Mycosynth Lattice

  2. lots of myr

  3. Rite of Replication

Mortal Combat:

  1. Hermit Druid

Hellkite Tyrant

  1. lots of myr

  2. Mycosynth Lattice

Helix Pinnacle:

  1. Infinite mana


  1. Rite of Replication

Mayael's Aria:

  1. Archangel of Thune + Spike Feeder

  2. Lodestone Myr lots of artifacts

  3. Paradox Haze

  4. Kessig Wolf Run

  5. Phyrexian Rebirth + lots of tokens

  6. Cromat + infinite mana

  7. Essence Warden + infinite myr + Archangel of Thune

Test of Endurance, Celestial Convergence and Felidar Sovereign:

  1. Archangel of Thune + Spike Feeder

  2. Mayael's Aria

  3. Beacon of Immortality

  4. Essence Warden + infinite myr or Karmic Guide + Reveillark

Azor's Elocutors

  1. Paradox Haze and Glacial Chasm

Approach of the Second Sun:

  1. Sort of just plays its self_

Near-Death Experience

Get to one life Near-Death Experience + Plunge into Darkness

Liliana's Contract

  1. Now this is actually not that bad of a draw spell. And it has a bonus of winning you the game.

  2. To meet its conditions I have chosen to add Mirror Entity. This card has a bonus of making my low power and toughness creatures big. I run it in a lot of decks.

*The grand finale ** _drum roll_

Laboratory Maniac:

  1. Hermit Druid + Dread Return with Fatestitcher, into Dregscape Zombie, from the mill Narcomoeba, into Angel of Glory's Rise which grabs Azami, Lady of Scrolls, Laboratory Maniac, Sylvan Safekeeper then tap win and protect.

  2. infinite mana and myr + Skullclamp

Keep your nice things

  1. Privileged Position maybe board

  2. Sylvan Safekeeper

  3. Privileged Position

  4. Arcane Denial

Wait till just before your turn to show your win

  1. Leyline of Anticipation

  2. Alchemist's Refuge

Now please don't interrupt my fun, also good for the Wander cascade bs

  1. Silence

  2. Abeyance

  3. maybe Sen Triplets + just for fun cause you know 5 colors and all play all their nice things Paradox Haze

Notes add more board wipes, draw, explore, limdolsnvau Lim-Dûl's Vault Remove scrap troller Tocasia, Dig Site Mentor add lands that prevent attacks


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Top Ranked
  • Achieved #35 position overall 6 years ago
Date added 7 years
Last updated 1 day

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

7 - 1 Mythic Rares

57 - 0 Rares

14 - 0 Uncommons

23 - 0 Commons

Cards 101
Avg. CMC 3.60
Tokens 2/2 N Creature Pincher, Copy Clone, Myr 1/1 C, Pegasus 1/1 W, Phyrexian Horror X/X C
Folders Win win, Nifty Ideas
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