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Volothamp Geddarm - Volo EDH

Commander / EDH* Clone GU (Simic) Snow Stompy Zoo



This deck has been a challenge to build. No Legendary creature, and no Wizards or Humans, since Volo is both. I have also tried to make sure that no two creatures have the same type, so that no matter what is in my grave, I have the potential to get two of whatever I am casting.

I know that Parallel Lives doesn't work with Volo's ability, but with cards like Worldspine Wurm, Arachnogenesis, and Biogenic Ooze I am hanging on to it for now.

In the past couple months, I have been re-tuning this deck quite a bit. I have added a couple Fog type cards, as well as every Cultivate type card I could find, including Topiary Stomper. If Volo is in play, its two 4/4's and two lands for 3 mana.

I am adding a little description below for my justification for each creature. This is also for my benefit, as it helps me understand what is the next creature I need to get rid of in this deck.

Abominable Treefolk – a very nice ETB, and with all snow covered lands, these guys generally enter as AT LEAST 6/6’s (because they see each other was well).

Apex Devastator – Even though the Cascades on the copy do not trigger (because I didn’t cast) and I don’t get copies of the other creatures entering the battlefield (again because I didn’t cast). I am keeping this guy in here for now, it’s a two 10/10’s and 4 other cards for free.

Beastcaller Savant – A great mana dork, if I get two they pay for themselves right away. The only issue I have is that they take a lot of creature types out of my possible pool.

Biogenic Ooze – for 5 mana I get four 4/4 creatures at the end of my turn.

Clever Impersonator - Because Volo states "Whenever you cast" this counts as a Shapeshifter spell. And I can pick different creatures with each ETB

Elder Gargaroth – there are so many good Beasts in green. I am not sure that this guy is the best I could get, but the versatility when attacking is nice.

End-Raze Forerunners – If Volo is out, I get two 9/9s that can attack right away and give all my other attackers +4/+4 trample.

Faerie Artisans – If I am playing a person that has a lot of ETB effects in their deck, getting two of their creatures is always nice. Also stops haste-y creatures from attacking me as I have the perfect blocker.

Foe-Razer Regent – The way the card reads, only the second guy fighting is seen by the first guy (because they technically enter in a specific order). At the end of turn the Token becomes 6/7, while the original becomes a 8/9.

Fog Bank – People underestimate the lowly Fog Bank, great for a bit of protection, especially if you have two of them.

Genesis – Has been underwhelming in the few games I have seen him. For 5 CMC, I can probably do better.

Genestealer Patriarch – A brand new add to this deck, I haven’t seen if he will work or not, but seems like a good card. One of the reasons I am keeping Parallel Lives in here.

Guard Gomazoa – People underestimate the lowly Guard Gomazoa, great for a bit of protection, especially if you have two of them.

Ice-Fang Coatl – super low CMC, the token makes a great blocker, I get to draw two when they enter, and if I have Erratic Portal or Crystal Shard I can pull back the original and do it again.

Icebreaker Kraken – As low as 2 CMC for two 8/8 creatures, although I am generally around 6 CMC.

Inkwell Leviathan – Not that impressive on the surface, but I want a Leviathan in the deck just because of Serpent of Yawning Depths. There are only 18 leviathans that are not legendary, and the others are even less impressive.

Lord of Change – Very new add but he has seen play. Two Flying 6/6’s are nice, but the addition of drawing 6 cards

Loyal Guardian – In my opinion, one of the best cards in this deck. When played pre-combat, they both become 5/5 before the end of the turn and give all my other creatures +2/+2 every turn.

Mossbridge Troll – Not amazing without trample, but the built-in regeneration is nice.

Nurturing Licid – Very new add, thought the two regens might be nice. We will see if it ends up being any good.

Outland Colossus – Is a midrange creature, might end up replacing out Skaab Goliath is a prime contender.

Pathrazer of Ulamog – Non-Legendary Eldrazi, Pathrazer was a no-brainer addition.

Primeval Protector – When playing 2-3 opponents, this guy typically costs 1 Mana to cast.

Prosperous Innkeeper – Like Beastcaller Savant, these guys pay for themselves the moment they enter the battlefield. The life gain is a bonus.

Reef Worm – Great protection from board wipes and if Parallel Lives is out, I get more and more of each level.

Rimefeather Owl – Like the Abominable Treefolk these guys can be pretty big upon entry, but the 7 CMC cost makes me consider if the additional flying is really worth it.

Sea-Dasher Octopus – I added Sea-Dasher primarily to work with Serpent of Yawning Depths but have yet to see that interaction.

Serpent of Yawning Depths - Krakens, Leviathans, Octopuses, and Serpents. I have one of each. But have yet to see this guy enter the battlefield, so not sure how impactful that will be.

Sludge Monster – I figure if two of these enter, it is quazi-removal for two big creatures on the board.

Solemn Simulacrum – Same CMC as Explosive Vegetation, with the same result if I have Volo in play. Has the added benefit of being a blocker that gets me a draw.

Sphinx of the Second Sun – Having two extra draws after combat and two extra untap steps is nice.

Stonehoof Chieftain – An absolute legend in this deck. Getting two indestructible creatures that then give all my attacking creatures indestructible makes me the threat on the table.

Terastodon – Although my playgroup tends to avoid basic land destruction, Terastodon is great for removing things like Maze of Ith, or even pesky enchants or artifacts that are slowing me down.

Topiary Stomper – if Volo is in play, I get the same result as an Explosive Vegetation for 1 less mana. And I get two 4/4 bodies as well.

True-Name Nemesis – just a fun little guy that becomes a real problem for that ONE person.

Voracious Greatshark – I only have a few counters in this deck but having two sharks jump up and say no to that spell: That’s always fun.

Worldspine Wurm – This guy is another reason to keep Parallel Lives in the deck.


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I have debated removing Parallel Lives but I managed to get six 5/5 wurms from Worldspine Wurm after a board wipe. It is still in my potental removal list, but currently i am debating removing Cytoshape if i can ever find an Obscuring Haze. I am also thinking Callous Oppressor, Scute Swarm, and Temur Sabertooth are on my cut list.

Overall this has become a new favorite deck and is making it to the top of my list of decks I grab for first.


94% Casual


Revision 28 See all

(2 months ago)

+1 Fleetfeather Cockatrice main
-1 Reef Worm main
Date added 3 years
Last updated 2 months

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

8 - 0 Mythic Rares

41 - 0 Rares

17 - 0 Uncommons

9 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 4.32
Tokens Beast 3/3 G, Copy Clone, Elephant 3-3 G, Ooze 2/2 G, Rhino Warrior 4/4 G, Spider 1/2 G, Treasure, Wurm 5/5 G w/ Trample
Folders Decks
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