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Slivers Mutate (Indestructible)

Commander / EDH* Indestructible Mutate Sliver




Big Picture I loved playing a mutate deck on Arena but I found my creatures to be incredibly vulnerable to spells. Enter Paradise Druid and it's fantastic Hexproof. If I could drop a Paradise Druid on round 2, I was pretty confident of winning, or at least being able to play a good game.

I've attempted here to create a deck mostly using cards I already have to put that same game into EDH. Sliver Hivelord makes a powerful commander for this, as usually by round 5 or 6, you can play him and all sliver creatures become Indestructible. After that, it's just a matter of mutating the same creature over and over as much as possible to get as many triggers of the mutate ability stacking as possible. If it all works, you should see card draw, land search, artifact stealing or destroying, damage, life gain, and creature removal all in one 3-5mana drop mutation. Do that 3 times in a single round, and most opponents will be willing to sell their left kidney for something like Chaos Warp, Diabolic Edict, or Angelic Edict. Assuming they do find a buyer and get their hands on a nasty card like that, you can always pop in your Sheltering Word and ruin their day.

If a Sliver isn't readily available, you can always start building a mutation off of Paradise Druid, Silhana Ledgewalker, Stuffy Doll, or Vine Mare for some alternatives that are indestructible or hexproof.

The key mechanic here isn't really hitting things, but letting the mutations destroy people's board states and life while also giving you an edge. And if you get the chance to smack them around a bit, Glowstone Recluse will stack counters on your creature for some serious punch, as long as your opponent doesn't have a 1/1 Squirrel sitting around to block you. Then again, mutate in Illuna, Apex of Wishes or Gemrazer and you get trample.

If you really like Slivers, you can put in Poultice Sliver or Sedge Sliver (from the Maybeboard) to give slivers regenerate. This would protect mutations from going away should you somehow take enough damage to destroy your towering stack of mutated creatures.

How to Play Make sure your initial hand has at least 3 lands. After that, if you have a card to give a creature hexproof (either Dive Down or Mirror Shield) that would be best.

For the first few rounds, all you're really looking to do is get some mana out there. If you have a hexproof creature like Paradise Druid or a mana artifact, play that pretty quick.

By round 5 or 6 you should have enough mana to play your commander Sliver Hivelord. Play it. After this, you will always want a hexproof instant in hand an mana to play or, or else a hexproof artifact attached.

For the rest of the game, your focus is mutating Sliver Hivelord as much as possible and triggering the "when this creature mutates" abilities as much as possible. If you want, you can diversify your board state by mutating off of other creatures. I strongly recommend using slivers as your mutate base so that they get the indestructible benefit from your commander. If that's not available, one of the Hexproof creatures will work. Worst case scenario, or if you have tons of creatures thanks to Auspicious Starrix, you can mutate off of just about anything non-human. Keep in mind that several cards like Insatiable Hemophage use the wording "where X is the number of times this creature has mutated," so it can really pay off to mutate just one creature as much as possible.

Happy mutations!


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41% Casual

59% Competitive

Date added 3 years
Last updated 3 months
Splash colors WUBRG

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

7 - 2 Mythic Rares

16 - 9 Rares

39 - 9 Uncommons

18 - 14 Commons

Cards 99
Avg. CMC 3.63
Tokens Beast 3/3 G, Copy Clone, Feather, Servo 1/1 C, Sliver 1/1 C, Sliver Army 0/0 B
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