
Based on my Moxfield list.

Alternate Deck name: Quentin Zur-entino

Auras and Enchantment strategies are some of my favorites, and probably the first archetype I really got into when I first started playing MtG about 10 years ago. Tuvasa the Sunlit was the first serious EDH deck I put together when I first got into the format about 3-4 years ago. I played that deck for about two years, splitting the deck up once into two separate decks before rebuilding it, and finally recycling it again to build Mazzy, Truesword Paladin.

With Tuvasa, I struggled to fit in all of the ideas I had for it: Aura Voltron Aggro, control with Stax/Tax enchantments in White, and combos with Enchanted Evening and such. Now that I tried Mazzy as a dedicated Aura Voltron deck, I feel more comfortable leaning into the combo and control elements in the White/Blue/Black slices of Enchantress strats for this deck.

Initial Deck ideas/Objectives:

Many of the enchantments featured in the deck lean towards control in the form of tax/stax effects that try to slow the game down for my opponets, while leaving me mostly unaffected.

  1. Utilize Zur, Eternal Schemer to anthem up Enchantment creatures primarily.
  2. Use Zur's second ability to "animate" non-creature Enchantments as needed offensively and defensively
  3. Combo off with combinations of Enchanted Evening + Opalescence // Parallax Wave + Opalescence - Will explain in detail further

I wanted to list a handful of generically good "Staple" enchantments, some of which I own, which are currently not in the deck. I'm choosing not to play any of these cards (for now), because I mostly want to utilize cards I already know I own. I also want to see how the deck functions before deciding what needs bolstering, or if generic good stuff is helpful. Anways:

  • Rest in Peace - I own a copy, but haven't used it mostly because I try to avoid running "Silver Bullet" interaction pieces.
  • Stony Silence - I don't own a copy, but would consider picking one up if Treasures become a rampant enough occurrence in my play group.
  • Necropotence - An incredible draw effect. I don't currently own a copy, and don't really plan on picking one up any time soon.
  • Rhystic Study - Same as Necropotence. I've also seen one of my friends play it a handful of times, and my group is mostly consistent about paying the Tax. For sure a potential upgrade option if I feel it's necessary.
  • Leyline of the Void - I don't own a copy, but similar reasoning as Rest in Peace

These are all currently in the deck

As long as Archon is out on the battlefield first, cast & resolve Enchanted Evening. This will trigger Archon, creating a Pegasus token, which is now an Enchantment, triggering Archon again, etc etc. Without Grim Guardian or a counterspell like Trickbind or Disallow to end the loop, the Archon/Enchanted Evening loop will continue on forever, having the game technically end in a draw. Thank you to ReallyBadWizard for pointing out that caveat.

This combo will essentially destroy all creature tokens, as well as all lands. If we can anthem up our own creatures with something like Always Watching first, then our lands can survive. All lands will immediately blow up on ETB, so this can lock games, provided the rest of the table doesn't have the creatures on board to kill.

  • Opalescence + Parallax Wave = Permanently exile all creatures opponents control, and create infinite creature LTB triggers.

  • Once both permanents are on field together, target 4 opposing creatures with Parallax Wave and exile them.

  • Target Parallax Wave with its final Fade Counter
  • This will exile Parallax Wave and return all creatures exiled with it, but not really
  • This will only return Parallax Wave as none of the other 4 creatures have been exiled yet (First in, last out)
  • Let the other 4 Parallax Wave activations resolve, because the trigger to return the exiled cards has resolved they are permanently exiled

Additional Pieces that can be added that aren't currently in deck

With Enchanted Evening out on the field, using High Market or another sac effect to kill Aura Thief can steal all of your opponent's boards. I opted not to include it mostly because it felt like too many moving pieces.

So far just a fairly standard Mana Rock package with potential for mana acceleration from Black Market Connections:

May add a couple more rocks as play testing continues.

A mix of cantrip and repeatable draw effects. This is very much an area that can be upgraded with things like Necropotence and/or Rhystic Study, but choose not to at the moment.

I may change out Coastal Piracy and Reconnaissance Mission depending on how much I'm actually swinging out with creatures.

A mix of single target removal and wipe effects

Interaction is basically my umbrella-term for any cards that either prevent opponents from fully interacting with my board state and resources, or prevent them from utilizing their board state and resources as intended.




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93% Casual


Revision 17 See all

(1 year ago)

+1 Flowering of the White Tree main
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Date added 1 year
Last updated 11 months
Key combos

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

10 - 0 Mythic Rares

52 - 0 Rares

21 - 0 Uncommons

5 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.86
Tokens Copy Clone, Elephant 3/3 G, Enchantment Cleric 2/1 W, Frog Lizard 3/3 G, Pegasus 2/2 W, Shapeshifter 3/2 C, Spirit Cleric */* W, Treasure, Zombie Army 0/0 B
Folders Commander Decks, intersting decks, Fun Decks, EDH, EDH, TTS Decks, Cool EDH Decks
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