Remember Light-Paws, Emperor's Voice? Solid card. Cool voltron commander. I've considered making a Light-Paws deck of my own, but then Modern Horizons 3 launched, and I found a new commander that may give Light-Paws a run for her money:Pearl-Ear, Imperial Advisor. Lady Pearl-Ear is a major character from the original Kamigawa block novels (yeah, I read the books. They're fine,) and as a big fan of that block, I was pretty excited to get her card.

But then I read her card, and I got even more excited. For one more mana than Light-Paws, Pearl-Ear gets you native lifelink, cost reduction for all your enchantments and a powerful (and repeatable) card-draw engine. It's pretty nuts how much value she gives you in just one card. In a lot of ways, I think she completely overshadows Light-Paws as a commander (and is also a great addition as part of the 99 in any existing Light-Paws decks.)

That being said, the deck you build around Pearl-Ear is much the same as a Light-Paws, though with a few tweaks. We're still loading up on auras (you'll find over 30 here), but we can be a little choosier in the ones we bring. As Pearl-Ear naturally has lifelink, we can dump some of the auras that provide that to avoid redundancy. And with her cost reduction ability, we can also add a few higher-costed enchantments and auras knowing we'll never be paying full price for them. Pearl-Ear wears Eldrazi Conscription incredibly well, and she can reduce Celestial Archon's bestow cost too. And we can cast big, splashy enchantments like The Night of the Doctor or March of the Canonized with very little mana investment.

Now, voltron is still a risky strategy -- you are playing with three other people after all -- so we need a few ways to both keep our commander on the board, as well as provide her some blocking support when people try to swing in our way. A full 15 cards protect our Pearl-Ear in one way or another, from auras like Dog Umbra and Unquestioned Authority to instants such as Galadriel's Dismissal and Loran's Escape. And to keep crackbacks to a minimum, we've got both the aforementioned March of the Canonized, as well as Sigil of the Empty Throne to give ourselves a backup army. We also have Sphere of Safety and Ghostly Prison (Kamigawa represent!) to deter waves of attackers. And then there's always a Comeuppance or an Ethereal Haze as a final line of defense to buy us another turn.

We're never going to get off the line as quickly as Light-Paws (save for a turn-one Sol Ring) but when we are able to stick our commander, we can accelerate way past what a Light-Paws deck could even dream of.


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93% Casual


Date added 2 weeks
Last updated 5 hours

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

20 - 0 Rares

27 - 0 Uncommons

23 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.78
Tokens Angel 4/4 W, Vampire 1/1 W, Vampire Demon 4/3 WB
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