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Pauper Jund Midrange (based on Modern Jund)

Pauper* Aggro BRG (Jund) Budget Pauper



Instant (5)

Sorcery (3)

This deck aims to convert Tier 1 Modern Jund into a powerful Pauper deck. We will do this by systematically breaking down Modern Jund and finding replacements for each card.

Lets start with CREATURES

First up in Modern Jund is Tarmogoyf. This is arguably the most important card of the deck, and so finding a replacement is essential. Originally, I had Kird Ape, but the feedback I have received overwhelmingly supported cutting it for Putrid Leech, which, in looking back, probably should have been the choice to go with. Some will disagree with this choice, saying Moldgraf Scavenger or Nimble Mongoose are better, but trust me, you need to be aggresive. Goose and Mold are too slow, since their power relies on whats in your graveyard. We don't have time for that. We have no engine. What we do have is land, and that's what we're using. We need to attack first. It's an aggro deck after all.

Thanks to feedback, I am also running Young Wolf to increase my threat count.

Next up is the replacement for the ever powerful Dark Confidant. Unsurprisingly, we have Phyrexian Rager, but there is more to this than meets the eye. Since Rager only draws us one single card, we need more advantage than that. As a result, we are also running Faithless Looting as a cheap and effective way to draw cards. There are other uses for this card too, but we'll get to that later.

From what I can tell across the internet, Scavenging Ooze is a problem for brewers in coming up with replacements. Those people don't know elves very well then because Essence Warden is a common, and a dang good one at that. While it doesn't get bigger as a threat, you gain life for every creature played until your opponent is forced to deal with it. All Jund decks need a way to stabilize over the long game, and for Pauper, look no further.

While still up for debate, the powerful card that is Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet has been seeing much success in Modern Jund. There is no straight replacement, but for Kalitas's second ability, we need to pull out Wakedancer, which is a very good alternative for Kalitas with all the removal we are playing.

-As a side note, months ago, many people were playing Tasigur, the Golden Fang in this place. If you prefer this build, throw in another 2 Gurmag Angler and call it a day.

Finally, our big payoff. This is not a spot seen in Modern, but lets face it, Kird Ape will not last forever. So, in the late game, the Delve value of Gurmag Angler is a must.


As stated before, Faithless Looting is amazing. It is cheap, efficient, AND even feeds Delve.

Instead of keeping these separate, lets bring the next six cards together. Thoughtsieze and Inquisition of Kozilek are powerful and required hand-disruption spells. In this deck, we obviously run a set of Duress, as well as the highly underrated Ostracize, which we are running three of. Jund relies on pressure and disruption, so these seven spells are a must.

Lightning Bolt is Lightning Bolt is Lightning Bolt is Lightning Bolt

Doom Blade replaces Abrupt Decay. While not as powerful, it should NEVER be ignored.

To continue with the removal, Terminate is common and perfectly legal.

Kolaghan's Command has seen a rise to power in Modern Jund. The replacement is a card NO ONE EVER TALKS ABOUT,Evolution Charm. Modal spells are good, and if you don't like this one, I find Funeral Charm an excellent replacement.

Maelstrom Pulse is being replaced by a card I think may be more powerful, which is infamously Blightning. 3 damage AND discard? What more could you want?

And now, the most infamous card in Jund (Other than Tarmogoyf) is the myth, the legend, Liliana of the Veil. I wanted to run some permanents that have players discard each turn, but there are no cards like that in common. Extra Blightning may pass as a replacement for her +1, but honestly, this is where the the trail goes cold. If I'm missing something, let me know. Her -2 is a different story though. Chainer's Edict was printed on MTGO at common, and is SUPER powerful, and can recur itself through Flashback. Easy spot for sure.

Mana base is pretty clean cut. Gain Lands, basics, etc. You may want to run Lotus Petal for ramp, but it's your choice.

In terms of sideboard, here's what we got.

Flame Slash for more removal.

Hooting Mandrills against tokens.

Nimble Mongoose, despite what I said earlier, if your opponent is playing a deck with tons of removal, goose will save your hide. (an alternate is more Young Wolf).

Pyroblast take out those pesky Delver and Familiar decks.

Ostracize In case you need a little more discard.

Fury Charm against affinity

Nihil Spellbomb against Dredge


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Date added 7 years
Last updated 7 years
Exclude colors WU

This deck is Pauper legal.

Cards 62
Avg. CMC 1.95
Tokens Zombie 2/2 B
Folders The Pauper Deck Library, Potential, Pauper Decks to Buy, pauper decks
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