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They simic rolling. (RΝΑ Update)

Standard* Competitive GU (Simic) Midrange RUG (Temur) Zoo



Simic has always been my favourite Guild. It has draw,big sticks , control and removal. I want to build a deck that can manage to face competitive decks and won't lose immediately. I am sure, many of you guys will find this deck boring, yet if you give it a try, you will find that it has some bice tricks up the sleeve.

My fav one, is Quasiduplicate and Carnage Tyrant . It's fun to have 4+ creatures like this on the field.

I also know I am not the best deck-builder around, but I know what to play and when to play it.

Thanks for stopping by and giving some feedback.


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Hi all! Today payed this deck at Tuesday Night Magic at a gaming store. Managed to beat 3 guys and ended up second! There are many " red-deck-wins " so my side deck saved me arse a couple of times.

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Revision 17 See all

(5 years ago)

+2 Ranging Raptors main
Date added 5 years
Last updated 5 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

6 - 0 Mythic Rares

18 - 4 Rares

17 - 7 Uncommons

7 - 0 Commons

Cards 61
Avg. CMC 3.13
Tokens Copy Clone
Folders MTG ARENA decks
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