

Artifact (1)

This deck is my first commander deck.

(Currently under construction)

Too expensive Nissa, Resurgent Animist

Need Migration Path

I have played this deck through multiple iterations, and it only seems to get stronger and more unbearable if you do not shut it down early.

My friends always seem to think this deck is disgusting, and I will say, personally it can be stressful playing a deck with weak early considering how much bullshit is out there in MTG.

If you can line up any draw power, and have it stay for even 3 or 4 turns to get some cards, or get any of the combo lines below ready, it is quite simply over once this deck's foundation is in play, if your hand gets low, and you miss your setup, and are praying on good draws, defeat is quite plausable, although this deck will commonly save itself with topdecks, due to having a lot of ramp.

Just get 2 red mana with 5 green down, a couple in hand, 1 search card, play Omnath and start overwhelming people, do not underestimate the amount of damage you can get from Where Ancients Tread, Warstorm Surge ETB, or Stalking Vengeance, Omnath, Locus of Rage LTB trigger.

You can combine any token creation with Elemental Bond, Garruk's Uprising, or Tribute to the World Tree for some ETB draw power.

Double up on those 5's for ETB to with Parallel Lives, or Ancient Greenwarden

Polyraptor is broken.

Helm of the Host more Gruul.

Amulet of Vigor What even is this? Untapped searched lands? YES PLEASE!

Do not underestimate the power of Gruul Turf late game, this land can cause infinite token chains.

Do not forget that the faster that you ramp, or draw out your deck, the less cards that are in the pool blocking good draws, do not be afraid to cast your ramp early.

Soulblast is probably my favourite way to kill someone in 1v1, and I used to use Chandra's Ignition more before I took out a lot of the x/x to count of land cards. These two cards, are on the trim board currently.

Basic Combo Strings (Coming Next to the Paper Deck Update)

Disclaimer Add any parts of ETB triggers(Omnath especially) to maximize these combos for damage or draw power.


1 mana available, and 1 creature for sac

Near ∞ dmg, search deck for all basic lands.


1 mana available, and 1 creature for sac

Near ∞ dmg, search deck for all basic lands.


1 land in hand

Search deck for all basic lands. Near ∞ dmg if you have ETB trigger.


1 land in hand

Search deck for all basic lands. Near ∞ dmg if you have ETB trigger.


1 land in hand

Search deck for all basic lands. Near ∞ dmg if you have Omnath on battlefield.


1 land in hand

Search deck for all basic lands. Near ∞ dmg if you have Omnath on battlefield.


7 creatures on field for sac, 3 red, 1 green +6 mana available

One shot KO. 49 DMG to each other creature or player.

8 (don't have nissa)

1 mana available, and 1 creature for sac

Near ∞ dmg, search deck for all basic lands.


1 mana available

Near ∞ dmg, search deck for all basic lands.

10 (don't have nissa)

1 mana available

Search deck for all basic lands. Near ∞ dmg if you have Warstorm Surge, Stalking Vengeance, or Omnath on battlefield.

11 (don't have nissa)

1 mana available

Search deck for all basic lands. Near ∞ dmg if you have Warstorm Surge, Stalking Vengeance, or Omnath on battlefield.


Gruul Turf IN HAND

∞ 5/5 Elemental tokens, and ∞ dmg if you have Warstorm Surge, or Stalking Vengeance on the battlefield.


Gruul Turf IN HAND

∞ 4/4 Beast tokens, and ∞ dmg if you have Warstorm Surge, or Stalking Vengeance on the battlefield.


Gruul Turf IN HAND

∞ COLORED mana, and lifegain, and ∞ dmg if you have Warstorm Surge, or Stalking Vengeance on the battlefield.


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92% Casual


Date added 6 years
Last updated 10 months

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

6 - 2 Mythic Rares

31 - 4 Rares

16 - 2 Uncommons

18 - 2 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.53
Tokens Ashaya, the Awoken World, Beast 4/4 G, City's Blessing, Copy Clone, Elemental 2/2 G, Elemental 5/3 G, Elemental 5/5 RG, Enchantment Golem 3/3 C, Food, Treasure
Folders My Decks
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