
Instant (4)

Enchantment (4)

Artifact (4)

This is my rendition of a Bant Hexproof deck. It is a legacy deck designed for casual play against friends. This deck has evolved over a 10 year period and has gone through one of its most major upgrades in July of 2023 (after a long hiatus).

The overarching goal of this deck is to play 1-2 creatures and load them up with enchantments. This particular strategy works very well, see another rendition of this deck that is historic here: Another Geist Deck - This deck is currently running a 58% Win Rate in Ranked Historic Play in MTGA with 114 Wins - 83 Loses.

Synergy Highlights:

Geist of Saint Traft is scary, he is even more terrifying when the controller doesn't have to worry about him dying, enter: Gift of Immortality, what's worse, is when he can't be blocked, enter: Aqueous Form. AND WHATS WORSE!!! You've put Nala in danger.

Curious Obsession paired with Invisible Stalker (or any other creature with Aqueous Form) gives me card draw. If I'm not swinging with invisible stalker then what am I even doing? This would be a great time for Sigil of Sleep to debut.

Ethereal Armor and All That Glitters... need I speak further?


Updates Add

Switched out alot of stuff. took out Spectral Flight for Sigil of Sleep took out Kor Spiritdancer completely, its a great card dont get me wrong, just not for this deck. added 4xAjani, Caller of the Pride for his -3 ability giving my creature doublestrike. added 4xSlippery Bogle cause i like the little guy. and... i think thats all let me know what you think



92% Competitive

Date added 10 years
Last updated 11 months
Exclude colors BR

This deck is Legacy legal.

Rarity (main - side)

4 - 0 Mythic Rares

24 - 4 Rares

22 - 4 Uncommons

10 - 4 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 1.95
Tokens Angel 4/4 W
Ignored suggestions
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