

Never played red spells when playing Auras, so I decided to try out playing red in what is now my second commander deck.

The main idea is to take full advantage of constellation triggers by utilizing auras to pump up cheap CMC creatures, enchantment creatures (some produced by sagas), and a handful of enchantments to exile permanents and double as removal; however, the deck also utilizes a secondary gimmick of casting spirit creatures that seems to synergize well with other enchantment based cards or are a product of an enchantment's/creature's ability. All cards that work into the spirit aspect are: Figure of Destiny, Kami of Transience (can bring itself back to the field easily), Eidolon of Countless Battles, Katilda, Dawnhart Martyr   (one of the two cards that inspired leaning into to spirits more), Kodama of the West Tree (serves as great mana ramp and deck thinning), Venerable Warsinger (originally only in the deck as way to get creatures back from the grave), Chishiro, the Shattered Blade (spirit token generator), Eidolon of Blossoms, Jugan Defends the Temple   (transforms to Remnant of the Rising Star   to provide a heavy hitting support creature and secondary constellation trigger), The Restoration of Eiganjo   (spirit token generator when flipped to Architect of Restoration  , and Hallowed Haunting (another big factor in leaning into spirits as a secondary function as it will constantly create spirit tokens that have the potential to be bigger threats).

Since I was intent of using Mazzy, Truesword Paladin as the commander to try my hand in red, I quickly found that red doesn't have many decent auras to utilize, but the Boros color identity does have a plethora of great creatures to attach auras to due to the abilities/mechanics they already have. A notable non-red card that makes great use of auras is Timber Paladin as it will just keep growing along with the aura effects.

In my experience playing aura decks, it is easy to start top decking since most cards have cheap CMC's, so there are a handful of cards that serve as a draw engine to make sure more can be done each turn and make use of whatever mana is available (and since the deck relies so heavily on enchantments and creatures, there is no need to have left over mana when ending the turn). Cards that help keep options available are: Sythis, Harvest's Hand, Setessan Champion, Wyleth, Soul of Steel, Eidolon of Blossoms, and Ellivere of the Wild Court. Besides card draw, there are a few other cards that help psuedo-tutor auras from the deck and a few other cards that can help retrieve auras/enchantments from the grave to add use on another creature on the field.

Apart from that, there is a bit of mana ramp, cards that drive enchantment costs down, and non-enchantments that serve as neat little tricks to help make the deck more aggressive like Impact Tremors, Heliod, Sun-Crowned, Iroas, God of Victory, and Curse of Bloodletting.

I will say that the decks main weakness is not having any real responses to removal, and a board wipe will definitely set it back in the late game, leaving it defenseless; but as the board state builds up, it can quickly becomes massive thanks to token generating and multiple constellation triggers taking effect as most cards are enchantments (the deck only has 6 non-land cards that are neither an enchantment nor creature).


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93% Casual


Revision 8 See all

(2 weeks ago)

+1 Boros Garrison main
-1 Rugged Prairie main
Date added 9 months
Last updated 2 weeks

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

14 - 0 Mythic Rares

41 - 0 Rares

16 - 1 Uncommons

14 - 1 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.03
Tokens Copy Clone, Human 1/1 W, Human Monk, Pegasus 2/2 W, Soldier 1/1 R, Spirit 1/1 C, Spirit 2/2 R, Spirit Cleric */* W, Treasure
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