
Hi everyone!

Here's my take on Rakdos the Defiler. I've made a few topics to source ideas for this deck. The decks I've taken inspiration from focus on the destructive nature of the commander, and I was going that route as well until it occurred to me to put in more political cards, like Scheming Symmetry and Sower of Discord. Then that unlocked a whole new genre for me: get in character and play like a demon actually would. Make friends, give them gifts, be ready to betray your friends (or, just as likely, they betray you and you act shocked and Master of Cruelties them in the face).

This is my second demon deck, after I BEG YOUR F@CKING PARDON??!!! - Razaketh, and I think demons have overtaken zombies as my favourite tribe. The challenge is to make them feel different. The Razaketh deck focuses more on life manipulation shenanigans (Fraying Omnipotence + Wound Reflection is that deck's bs main wincon), it has giant demons that can club you in the face if needed as a plan B. This one leans more into the 'demon go BONK' side of things.

The deck has a few different elements to it:

  1. The basic necessities (card draw, ramp, some removal). Most of the ramp is ritual effects
  2. Token generation. Not huge, but a few different effects to create various types of creature tokens
  3. Combat effects. A few different forms of this: we've got Haste enablers, Double Strike, damage multiplier in City on Fire, and a few different Strionic Resonator effects to make Rakdos hurt someone at the same time that I have to sacrifice
  4. I call this category: HEEEYYYYY BESTIIIEEEEE. All the effects that let me share the experience of doing fun things with my bestie. Originally I had Assault Suit in here, but no one else is going to attack with Rakdos (unless he's goaded and I only have Kardur, Doomscourge that goads). This is the most fun part of the deck for me, but I had to be reasonable and only put 8ish Hey Bestie effects in there, because I need to, like, draw cards and stuff

Speaking of drawing cards, I have so much card draw in the deck and I never manage to have enough cards. It's wild.

The deck has had to change direction a few times, I still have a lot of tuning to do with it, there are a bunch of cards I have my eyes on (that have just been sold out at the time that I wanted to get them). I currently have no way of protecting Rakdos and he's definitely a removal magnet, but I do have my eyes on some cards that I'm just waiting for my LGS to stock (Not of This World is the main one).

Yeah, that's the deck! I make besties then try to kill everyone else.


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98% Casual


Date added 1 year
Last updated 11 months

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

8 - 0 Mythic Rares

44 - 0 Rares

17 - 0 Uncommons

9 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.74
Tokens Cleric 0/1 B, Copy Clone, Demon 6/6 B, Devil 1/1 R, Emblem Zariel, Archduke of Avernus, Harpy 1/1 B, Rogue 2/2 B, Treasure
Folders Copys, Edh
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