
Sorcery (1)

Creature (1)

"I'm just a mean green mother from outer space and I'm bad!" - Audrey II

I had a Yarok deck since Yarok, the Desecrated came out, which I wanted to make a bunch of tokens and double ETB effects never really satisfied with the deck. Modern Horizons 3 comes out and it has the Commander of my dreams.

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Azusa, Lost but Seeking -

Birds of Paradise -

Courser of Kruphix - We're playing a lot of the cards which allow us to look at the top of our library and play lands from there. Just a friendly reminder that we're also running a lot of fetches so if we don't like the top of our deck we can shuffle and take another look. This doesn't just mean lands. If we really need removal in the next time and there's a land on top take another spin.

Deathrite Shaman -

Dryad of the Ilysian Grove -

Exploration -

Farseek -

Insidious Roots - Why is this here instead of the 'Token' section? As the deck sits right now the only creature leaving the graveyard with any regularity is Dryad Arborfoil. When Arborfoil is in play and we can start replaying it out of the graveyard it'll be the first block, first to be Sacrificed, first to die. Until then we're making a bunch of tokens and those tokens will be dressed up as Birds of Paradise. This could also be Cryptolith Rite or Jaheira, Friend of the Forest.

Lotus Cobra -

Nissa, Resurgent Animist -

Nature's Lore -

Oracle of Mul Daya - This is the original 'play lands off the top of our deck' and it's still solid. Yes our opponents get to see what's coming up but the pseudo-draws make it worthwhile.

Spelunking - More here for the 'lands come into untapped' clause but it does put a land into play so it fits in the section. And Amulet of Vigor is prciey

Thalia and The Gitrog Monster -

The Gitrog Monster -

Tireless Provisioner -

Aftermath Analyst -

Crucible of Worlds -

Life from the Loam -

Eternal Witness -

Ramunap Excavator -

Sevinne's Reclamation - This can get back lands so when it's cast it because a reverse Stone Rain and when it's flashed back it can be a bad backwards Summer Bloom.

Splendid Reclamation -

Six -

World Shaper -

Assassin's Trophy - Commander is a format with a lot of multi-coloured decks with very greedy mana bases. The longer the game goes on the less we're likely to ramp them. In some cases we could get rid of a turn 1 or 2 mana dork with no Repercussion.

Aura Shards - Once we get going no artifact or enchantment without hexproof or shroud will be safe.

Beast Within -

Culling Ritual -

Path to Exile - Much the same as with Assassin's Trophy.

Avenger of Zendikar -

Scute Swarm - Tokens and and the copies aren't much in terms of power. We can spawn a lot and attack but once they get going Corpse Knight will be taking chunks out of our opponents with every Landfall trigger.

Gaea's Blessing - This is to protect our self from ourselves. We can dredge and draw ourselves out of a library and we need to have a reset button. Kozilek, Butcher of Truth or Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre are better reset buttons because we wouldn't have to worry, as much, when they're drawn.

Moment's Peace -

Sylvan Safekeeper - In this deck what's one land? This is also an outlet to put Dryad Arborfoil in our graveyard and facilitate Insidious Roots.

Sejiri Steppe - We can get it out at instant speed with Crop Rotation, Knight of the Reliquary, Urza's Cave or Wight of the Reliquary.

Zuran Orb - Helps to keep us alive. And when there are no lands in hand we can play them out of the 'yard gain some life and replay a land maybe get some triggers. This is also an outlet to put Dryad Arborfoil in our graveyard and facilitate Insidious Roots.

Sol Ring -

Matzalantli, the Great Door   -

Chain of Smog & Witherbloom Apprentice - If we have Witherbloom Apprentice in play we can cast Chain of Smog targeting ourselves, then using the second clause of Chain of Smog to copy it and choose ourselves again, repeat until we drain out our opponents. Apprentice doesn't target, they're always hitting each opponent with every trigger.

Corpse Knight -

Exsanguinate -

Finale of Devastation - Craterhoof Behemoth at home to some extant. We also have the option of using this as Green Sun's Zenith at home. When they're put together, and we have a wide board, it just ends the game.

Rumbleweed - Craterhoof Behemoth will take this guys spot in time. With a, likely, deep the cost reduction, our mass token production, +3/+3 and trample is just fine.

Shepherd of Rot - Not likely a one turn kill but it can certainly take some big chunks out of everyone's life total. If at we're lower life than one more of our opponents we have: Zuran Orb, Exsanguinate & Debt to the Deathless. It's also relevant that Shepherd of Rot counts all zombies not just ours.

Syr Konrad, the Grim + Maze of Ith + Argothian Elder - If we attack with Argothian Elder and use Maze of Ith on it Argothian Elder can then untap Maze of Ith and a land which produces . Then, because of rules I've been assured work, use Maze to start the loop again. We now have infinite inside of combat. We pour that mana into Konrad to mill everyone out. Luckily we have Gaea's Blessing to reset our library and graveyard...actually as long as we don't draw a card for the rest of our turn everyone else will draw and die. Oh, wait! As long as there are creatures in our opponent's deck they kill each one another through Syr Konrad, the Grim.

Fluctuator -

Drifting Meadow, Polluted Mire & Slippery Karst - These are free to cycle with Fluctuator. There was a cycle of common Onslaught lands which for one coloured mana. They're fine, but the cycle lands are the priority.

Scattered Groves - Just better than Blasted Landscape. It can be searched with Nature's Lore or Farseek.

Indatha Triome -

Brokers Hideout, Cabaretti Courtyard, & Riveteers Overlook - At this time we're focusing on the Capena sac lands which get us a Forest. Obscura Storefront does get us either a Plains or a Swamp but we need green more than anything else. If we had more space and/or more basics Storefront might find itself a spot. Right now the goal is to phase these out for proper fetch lands.

Prismatic Vista -

Command Tower -

Godless Shrine, card:Overgrown Tomb(grn) & card:Temple Garden(grn) -

Golgari Rot Farm & Selesnya Sanctuary - A good way to get extra Landfall and other land ETB triggers. We're just going with the the bounce lands that produce for now. Orzhov Basilica might be too much bouncing.

Lush Portico, Shadowy Backstreet & Underground Mortuary - In Yarok version of this deck these would've Theros temple lands. Now that we something that can be fetched these can be easily slot in. The surveil isn't that big a deal because we have more than a few options for pulling things out of our graveyard.

Boseiju, Who Endures & Takenuma, Abandoned Mire -

Cabal Coffersfoil - Once combined with our Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth (or someone elses) Cabal Coffersfoil will help us play our big game ending spells or help play for many smaller spells or abilities, given the situation.

Dryad Arborfoil -

Field of the Dead -

Flagstones of Trokair -

Gavony Township -

Glacial Chasm -

Maze of Ith -

Nurturing Peatland -

Shifting Woodland - There are two ways to use this card. Replacing an important card we lost, or milled over. The other is to copy an Aftermath Analyst or World Shaper. If use it to copy an Analyst we'll need to pay to activate it. With World Shaper we'll turn it into a blocker. When they trigger they'll pull all the lands in our grave back to play including the Shifting Woodland. We can also get really cheeky we can Sacrifice all our lands with Zuran Orb to get some life and many land ETBs.

Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth & Yavimaya, Cradle of Growth -

Forest, Plains & Swamp -

Snow-Covered Forest, Snow-Covered Plains & Snow-Covered Swamp

Basic lands have a lot of options. Regular or full art, the particular version, and regular or snow. Whether we like regular or snow-covered it's good to at least one of each because The Necrobloom and Field of the Dead are less concerned about the number of lands but the names of those lands. If your playing multiple basic lands and one snow land of the same type, or vice-versa, take the snow land first just to reduce the chances of drawing multiple same name basics before there are seven uniquely named lands. Don't see a time when we'll go below Six total basics.


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99% Competitive

Date added 1 week
Last updated 1 day

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

6 - 0 Mythic Rares

49 - 0 Rares

21 - 0 Uncommons

16 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.66
Tokens Beast 3/3 G, Copy Clone, Food, Insect 1/1 G, Plant 0/1 G, Treasure, Zombie 2/2 B
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