
The strategie of this deck is simple: Burn our opponent with some early game Lava Spike & Lightning Bolts or slow down their game with counters, tapping lands or bounce stuff. Our plan: Dig through our Deck, get the Damage spells, put Stinkweed Imp into our graveyard using Ideas Unbound, then use Ideas Unbound or Reach Through Mists to trigger delve, and play Ire of Kaminari as finisher which can round the game up with about 10 damage for 4 mana if we draw the right cards. Needless to say but I do it anyway: This Deck is pretty cheesy and has problems against Tier 1 because it has problems interacting with our opponents board as well as other Izzet decks. BUT! If we ever return to Kamigawa or see Arcane ever again this deck could turn into Pauper tier 1 or 1.5. We just need an arcane interaction against hexproof creatures, a spell that deal damage to each creature and another 1-2 Mana spell that loots.

The Sideboard: Cut the Earthly Bond is a card worth mentioning because it punishes two strong combos like Exhume+Dragon Breath strategies to haste attack with a reanimated big creature and it punishes green decks who think they can go low on lands because of Utopia Sprawl.

Dispel and Mana Leak are additional counter frome the sideboard altough we don't want to go down on arcane spells.

Electrickery is against Token Decks.

Crack the Earth slows the game down a bit more. And Crushing Pain need some replacement because I removed all cast able Creatures.


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Date added 6 years
Last updated 6 years

This deck is Pauper legal.

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 1.93
Folders Pauper
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