
I have always liked Phage the Untouchable, the character design, her abilities. So I'm doing the most unholy thing known to man. I'm making Phage the Untouchable my commander!! "But you can't cast her from the command zone without losing" I hear you say, I know but it doesn't matter because I have ways to be able to use her.

Of course this is not a competitive deck by any means, I rushed this deck a little so it will need a lot of work. If you have any suggestions feel free to tell me!

Using Command Beacon, Tortured Existence, and Dermotaxi I can get Phage the Untouchable into my hand discard her into the graveyard, then imprint her onto dermo taxi for the win!
My main goal is to have no cards in my hand, use cards like Brink of Madness, and Headless Specter or basically hellbent abilities to gain advantage, as well as using cards to make my opponent's discard. I want no one to have any cards in their hand as soon as I can, because with cards like Macabre Waltz and so on, I can still use my creatures, while my opponents cannot, and with cards like Liliana's Caress, and Shrieking Affliction I can slowly drain my opponents till the die.
These are all the cards I could find that refers to Phage False Cure, Aphetto Dredging, Syphon Soul, Death Match, and Swat. If there is some that I have missed pleas let me know :)


Updates Add

Delving into far more discarding cards, and combos. Not just making other discard but my own hand as well. I have added Thought Gorger, Tourach, Dread Cantor, and Waste Not for now still looking for changes to make.


99% Casual


Revision 11 See all

(1 year ago)

+1 Animate Dead main
+1 Cabal Coffers main
+1 Crypt Ghast maybe
+1 Dread Return maybe
-1 Eternal Scourge main
-1 Exquisite Blood main
+1 Extraplanar Lens maybe
+1 Fatal Push maybe
+1 Go for the Throat maybe
-1 Gurmag Angler main
+1 Hero's Downfall maybe
+1 Hymn to Tourach maybe
+1 Jet Medallion maybe
+1 Liliana's Caress main
-1 Lolth, Spider Queen main
+1 Mind Shatter maybe
+1 Mind Twist maybe
+1 Mindslicer main
+1 Necropotence maybe
+1 Night's Whisper maybe
and 30 other change(s)
Top Ranked
Date added 2 years
Last updated 1 year

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

9 - 0 Mythic Rares

27 - 0 Rares

22 - 0 Uncommons

17 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.19
Tokens Thrull 0/1 B
Folders Like, Realistic Commander Decks
Ignored suggestions
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