Because some days you're the one doing the shoving, and some days you're the one walking the plank.

This is a sac theme deck that I put together out of stuff I had and a few new cards in the AFR set. It aims to shovel everything it can into the graveyard, create advantage on the board, and also pressure opponents into bad trades by applying a lot of pressure with deathtouch creatures. My playgroup has many creature decks and not a lot of control magic, so this deck is usually able to do it's job of leveraging sacs and getting versatile value out of it. May be a different case in a control heavy meta.

Many of the choices in the deck are here to remove creatures, but at the same time, have a second mode that can put me further ahead if there is not much left on board.

Vraska, Golgari Queen and Vraska, Relic Seeker both act as removal as well as value. Relic seeker especially can be brutal if I've been killing off their creatures in the early game. I've had the wonderful pirate lady absolutely lock down games when they go long enough to get her out.

Dire Fleet Poisoner is one of my favorite cards, and I wish I had more pirates to work with this one, but even if there is no synergy on my board, having a flash deathtouching blocker is kind of great. And then sometimes you can put your opponents on the back foot by flashing it in on an attacking Dire Fleet Hoarder. Three damage to the face is no joke, and if you block you will give up a creature and also ramp me, yep, that's nice : )

Deadly Dispute is so effective at what it does. Draw cards, give me treasures, and the best part is that I can choose when to use it. Blocking and saving some life then hitting dispute to ramp and give you more cards to play with next turn can be a big swing. Especially good if it targets Nether Traitor or Dire Fleet Hoarder

Crashing Drawbridge is secretly one of the best cards in the deck. It gives haste to some really nasty creatures in Storrev, Devkarin Lich Fallen Angel Visara the Dreadful or just every small creature that come down after bridge. It also effectively blocks and turns into a sac trigger. Giving fallen angel haste and then sacing to it can push through a lot of damage. Also, hasting Eradicator Valkyrie often makes for an 8 life swing and boast trigger on the turn it comes down. You can even sac the drawbridge to boast, just cause it feels clever : )

Shambling Ghast is just really good. I use the -1 trigger way more often than I thought I would, and it's great when you can sac it, get value, then flush a dork off their side, then get multiple death triggers for Lolth, Spider Queen Lolth is one of those ones that when she's good, she's great, but when she flops, she flops for 5 mana and it hurts. I really like her in this deck, but I understand if people would cut her. Her ult does make Nether Traitor into a serious threat that never, ever, stops coming.

Mishra's Factory is invaluable late game. This deck does a great job fixing mana because you don't need a ton of green and you get consistent treasures, and the ramp is decent, so you can just pitch lands late game to get more creatures to sac.

Priest of Forgotten Gods is one that I'm on the fence about. I've had it be awesome and I've had it be lame, and I've had it be both of them a lot : ) It would be great to replace it with low cmc pirates who attack well, but there aren't a ton of them in golgari. Priest also plays somewhat well with Crashing Drawbridge to user her ability faster.

Neverwinter Dryad is surprisingly good too. I thought it would be a worse tribescout, and maybe it is, but it's still pretty darn good.

And, that's about it. This is kind of a part aggro, part sac, part value, part recursion, part a lot of things really, but what it does best is that it gives you the choice in how you play it, and that leads to fun games no matter what you are up against. Plus I really like that the manabase works on a budget. Making treasures helps everything run smooth, which doesn't happen a lot on budget decks.

So, I guess this one does a lot of things, but the main thing it does, which I love, is that it makes your opponents just hate Dire Fleet Hoarder Do I block it? Will it get deathtouch? Will it ramp out hastey Storrev or another big hitter? Can I just take 2 damage from each hoarder each turn? The answer, really, is that there are no good answers, and that is so beautifully golgari.


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25% Casual

75% Competitive

Date added 2 years
Last updated 1 year

This deck is Casual legal.

Rarity (main - side)

7 - 0 Mythic Rares

18 - 0 Rares

7 - 0 Uncommons

14 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.64
Tokens Emblem Lolth, Spider Queen, Emblem Vraska, Golgari Queen, Pirate 2/2 B, Spider 2/1 B, Treasure
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