
Rhys has easily become one of my favorites to run over the years! This deck blows up so quickly and is instantly a problem for everyone, being overwhelmed with the amount of tokens coming at them! Super fun and straightforward to play!
1) Get Rhys out (Almost ALWAYS happens on turn one!)
2) Get out a Mana Dork and a few tokens.
3) Tap/Untap/Tap Rhys as much as possible, and Watch in Awe as you flood the board with SO MANY ELVES!!

Check out the specifics below:

6 mana for Rhys's doubling ability is quite steep! Along with all the cards with a in the mana cost. We need plenty of ramp and card draw right off the starting line to get ahead and stay ahead of our opponents. These Cards allow us to have crazy amounts of mana and run this deck on an insane level!


Priest of Titania
Cryptolith Rite
Growing Rites of Itlimoc  
Mirari's Wake
Marwyn, the Nurturer
Wirewood Channeler
Harvest Season
Rampant Growth
Three Visits
Llanowar Elves
Elvish Guidance
Elvish Archdruid
Circle of Dreams Druid
Jaheira, Friend of the Forest
Leaf-Crowned Visionary

Mana Dorks are extremely useful to us, especially having cards such as Nature's Chosen and Thousand-Year Elixir that allow us to tap them multiple times in a turn. We also put our tokens to work doing more than just chump blocking, just their presence allows most of our ramp to significantly increase our mana, and use Rhys's doubling ability more often as well as flood the board with any of the sorceries and instants.

If we can steer the direction of the game where we want it to go, we can do some serious damage. Here is our card advantage and the tutors to get out the pieces we need:

Card Draw

Mentor of the Meek
Huatli, Radiant Champion is amazing here! You can use her +1 ability and almost instantly secure an emblem for card draw for the remainder of the game!


Enlightened Tutor
Worldy Tutor
Idyllic Tutor
Sterling Grove
Eladamri's Call
Green Sun's Zenith

Most of these will be targeting our token doubling enchantments, and our wincons, though I love to tutor out Marwyn, the Nurturer who doubles as mana dork, and big beating stick if necessary. Tutoring for Seeker of Skybreak or Thousand-Year Elixir is also extremely helpful in letting us tap creatures for their abilities twice and really speed things up.

As we mentioned before, Rhys's ability to double tokens is rather spendy at 6 mana, we want to make sure we have out plenty of tokens or token doublers to make sure we're taking advantage of every time we double them.
Doubling Season
Parallel Lives
Primal Vigor
Anointed Procession
Mondrak, Glory Dominus
Illusionist's Bracers
Thousand-Year Elixir
March of the Multitudes
Secure the Wastes
Martial Coup
Finale of Glory
White Sun's Zenith
Second Harvest

There are plenty of token duplicators because most likely one or more of them will be removed (Nobody likes Doubling Season for some reason), and I feel that the deck ramps very well to be able to include all the X-costing spells to use to our advantage and get out 10+ tokens to work with.

Ready to cross the finish line? Check out these guys:
Cathars' Crusade
Mirror Entity
Joraga Warcaller put that multikicker to work.
Champion of Lambholt makes our creatures unblockable.
Beastmaster Ascension
Throne of the God-Pharaoh also works if we are unable to win through combat damage, and it takes out all opponents. Altar of the Brood

Seedborn Muse is absolutely broken here, allowing us to untap and use Rhys's doubling ability on everybody's turn, exponentially putting out tokens!
Grove of the Guardian creates some very nasty giant tokens.
Suture Priest Nothing discourages an opponent like watching us double our life count again and again.
Seeker of Skybreak and Nature's Chosen allow us to untap Rhys and double our tokens again!
Glare of Subdual and Aura Shards come in handy a lot to deal with any problems our opponents could throw at us.

Please feel free to suggest any cards or anything it may be lacking or anything that can be removed, and of course, BUCKLE UP AND ENJOY THE RIDE!


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Revision 18 See all

(5 months ago)

+1 Idol of Oblivion main
-1 Mox Amber main
Top Ranked
Date added 4 years
Last updated 5 months

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

6 - 0 Mythic Rares

43 - 0 Rares

12 - 0 Uncommons

12 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.58
Tokens Angel 4/4 W w/ Vigilance, Beast 3/3 G, Cat 2/2 W, Copy Clone, Eldrazi 10/10 C, Elemental 8/8 GW, Elf Warrior 1/1 GW, Emblem Huatli, Radiant Champion, Soldier 1/1 W, Soldier 1/1 W w/ Lifelink, Soldier 2/2 W, Spider 1/2 G, Warrior 1/1 W
Folders Commander Decks, inspiration, Copied Decks, To Build, Elves, Selesnya, Selesnya, new stuff, Decks for tts, Stolen Decks
Ignored suggestions
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