
I wanted to make a Medomai the Ageless deck, however, I didn't want to make the typical extra turns deck, so I thought why not do some dumb s*** and mess around with charge counters; thus Darksteel Reactor became my win con along with Lux Artillery and Mechanized Production to back it up although I will probably remove Mechanized Production at some point.

Disclaimer: I build my decks with the main goal of having a good time while playing and not necessarily optimizing them to win. Regardless of what you are looking for I hope you enjoy the deck! (Just a heads up, this one is jank af.)

Part 2: Because I only play casually, no group I play with uses commander damage as a win condition. Please keep that in mind while looking at the deck.

You may think "Why not Narset, Enlightened Master?" or "What about Meloku the Clouded Mirror?" for other options for a turns-based build. However, we already have a Narset deck in our playgroup that kinda does that already. Meloku on the other hand seemed interesting too but considering I'm making a deck for each version of Omnath (some in the works) I have enough land nonsense going on already. That left me with the obvious choice of Medomai the Ageless and this left me open to make this turns build into a lightly degenerate charge counter-based Darksteel Reactor deck, because honestly why not?

Umm yeah so for this one ya kinda just go with what you get in your opener...

Everflowing Chalice, Astral Cornucopia, Energy Chamber, Coretapper, and Vedalken Infuser are some good cards to start off with to help ramp and begin building your charge counters.

Next get Medomai the Ageless out, great to have a Swiftfoot Boots here too or Battle Mastery

Then try to get a win con down such as Darksteel Reactor, Mechanized Production, or Lux Artillery and go off with extra turn spells.

Personal choices:

  • Price: I typically don't buy cards over $20 so anything over that has usually been traded, gifted, or opened (unless I've sold cards in order to justify price) so you won't being seeing any Underground Sea or Moxen around here

  • Tutors: I get that tutors are good, I very occasionally use them however because it feels cheaty to me and I prefer the randomness of drawing off the top, uncertainty is all part of the fun and deckbuilding challenge for me!

  • Infinite Combos: They are allowed in my playgroup and it varies how often they show up in my decks. Winning with one is kinda boring though so I prefer to limit them (another reason I don't prefer tutors - sometimes they just say "grab a combo piece and win the game"). However, randomly drawing into an infinite doesn't feel as bad.

These are no easy little two card combos such as Sage of Hours and Ezuri, Claw of Progress. Nah, not here, it's gotta be janky.

Magistrate's Scepter + Coretapper + Tezzeret the Seeker +

This combo gives us just straight infinite turns. First, we use the to put a charge counter on Magistrate's Scepter, tapping it. then we tap Coretapper to put another charge counter on it. The we use Tezzeret the Seeker's +1 to untap both Magistrate's Scepter and Coretapper. Then we tap Coretapper to add the third and final counter on Magistrate's Scepter then tap it and remove all three to take an extra turn. Rinse, wash, repeat. Fun fact: I got this combo my very first time I played this deck :)

Magistrate's Scepter + Coretapper + Teferi, Timebender + + Vedalken Infuser or Energy Chamber

This combo is even more complicated, but also gives us infinite turns. At the beginning of our upkeep, EneChamber or Vedalken Infuser will give a charge counter to Magistrate's Scepter. The we will use Coretapper to add a second charge counter and finally we will use the to add the third and final counter. Then we can use Teferi, Timebender's +1 to untap Magistrate's Scepter to take an extra turn.



Thanks for checking out the deck! Y'all can check out my other decks here! Draw well!

The original version of this deck was created in January of 2022


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Revision 35 See all

(4 days ago)

-1 As Foretold main
+1 Gift of Immortality main
Date added 2 years
Last updated 4 days

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

19 - 0 Mythic Rares

28 - 0 Rares

21 - 0 Uncommons

9 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.76
Tokens Bird 1/1 U, Copy Clone, Elephant 3/3 G, Manifest 2/2 C
Folders Fun Desks, Funny, Artifacts control and charge, Decks That Interest Me, Commander maybe, Commander
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