

Suck Up All the Damage!!

Have you ever wanted to play magic without worrying about taking damage? Are you a fan of overkill? Ever want to sit atop a mountain like an immortal god while raining fire on your enemies? Well this deck is the one for you. With enough cards in play you can easily turn just a few points of damage into a lethal swing for victory. The main point here is to take any damage and funnel it through your board state, producing a massive attack toward one or many targets. Here's a breakdown of the various strategies:

Using redirect abilities to push damage toward one source opens the way to redirect for massive damage. Cards like Gideon's Sacrifice or Martyrdom are great resources to push any amount of damage, especially the non specific Martyrdom which can use another players massive attack to power up the machine and kill everyone off. Some good interaction:

Martyrdom+Boros Reckoner+Blasphemous Act - way to pass loads of damage toward a single target

There are many lower and higher tier options that follow this style of formula.

A few last minute plays like Angel's Grace can keep you alive, but a better option is to set up a baseline with Worship or Fortune Thief effects in play and a General's Regalia. Using this strategy it allows you to redirect damage to yourself as much as you want till pulling a Divine Deflection to take someone out with infinite mana. More about that later.

This deck generates infinite mana using the commander and a few artifact. While there is the possibility that an x damage spell could wipe someone out, that strategy is much too boring for a deck like this. Better plays would be to amass a bunch of damage, use either Basalt Monolith or Grim Monolith while Zirda, the Dawnwaker is in play and then use a Divine Deflection or Vengeful Archon to take someone out.

Ever been annoyed at the 1 damage dealt to you from a City of Brass? Feel like getting hit for 3 from a Tarnished Citadel is too much? Well, this deck doesn't care much about any of that. With a Pariah's Shield and Stuffy Doll in play you can freely send the damage elsewhere. Even a Boros Reckoner can take most of that kind of damage. This plays into the life swapping sub theme as well.

The last ditch strategy of the deck is to simply swap lives with another player when feeling overwhelmed or if you have run out of options. A well timed Reverse the Sands can change the outcome easily. If you're feeling brave, then tempt people with a Form of the Dragon, drop some immortality options if you get smacked, and then Soul Conduit during the end step. Definitely a more risky play, but can distract people and get them to attack or attempt to dish out damage to you, opening up the possibility to redirect it back at them with interest.

Any of these options become more powerful with damage multipliers like Dictate of the Twin Gods, or Arcbond, which becomes disgustingly powerful when coupled with a Martyrdom on top of it.

Thoughts, feedback and comments welcome.


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Revision 32 See all

(1 year ago)

+1 Mana Crypt maybe
Top Ranked
Date added 2 years
Last updated 1 year

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

3 - 0 Mythic Rares

57 - 0 Rares

15 - 0 Uncommons

5 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.72
Tokens Day, Morph 2/2 C, Night, Monarch Emblem
Folders The Dankest of Decks, EDH, Copy Pasta for TTS, Possible Decks, Other people's decks, Fun EDH Ideas, cool decks, adsasd, Decks for TTS, Cool Decks!!!
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