

Copied deck 17-09-23-the-clock-is-ticking

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I wonder what would happen if i used a more expensive mana base


Wincon is waiting out Heroes Remembered and then playing Vito, Thorn of the Dusk Rose which will deal instand 20 dmg to your oponent better actually because "he will lose life" not take dmg so less prevention options.

U Will want to save your Vito, Thorn of the Dusk Rose + Timecrafting if possible for the kill shot turn - this is possible as early as turn 5 if u play Heroes Remembered on turn 1 - maybe even sooner i didnt do the math with artefacts ect in mind - only preset is that u played Dust of Moments atleast once some where in those 5 turns

The Plan is to make your oponent play into Curse of the Cabal if u get one of those badboys out its realy just a matter of time until u get the upperhand since u wiil try and keep removing counters from it - u never realy actually want it to get into play just for your oponent to try and keep the timer above 0 and thus comprimising his board state. If u get a secondone out collaps is likly now the true fun is that u can also sac a permanent to keep the cunters on the secondone up until your oponent has recovered a bit to take the next blow - because after all we are just wating for Heroes Remembered + Vito, Thorn of the Dusk Rose

Delay is a nice thematisch counter for this deck due to how suspend resolves. u untap your mana b4 any of the cards return from exile. u can abuse this by saving Delay for this moment to prevent enemy counters against your exiled cards- i picked Delay mainly because it fits the theme but if u counter an instand it hardly matters if it is played later because the window of opportunity for your opponent will be gone

Out of Time is your defensive which also forces your oponent to sac lands for Curse of the Cabal just be carefull with this because Dust of Moments will remove counters from it too! which is why we have Resurgent Belief all in all this is not so bad if u have Curse of the Cabal queued up.

As Foretold is basicly cheating since it lets u play cards by just paying 0 - this lets u play your card which can not actually be played directly including Profane Tutor and making them no delay spells also it says "each turn" not your turn so u can play your 0 mana instants in the enemy turn aswell. It loses stacks through Dust of Moments but that hardly matters it wont ever get to 10 anyways. Tolaria West also lets you tutor your 0 cost cards

Palantir of Orthanc is a perfect addition for this deck. U might have a lot of low cost cards but if your opponent get unluckly he just flatout dies to 2 Curse of the Cabal mills. also its realy good card quality - i know its expensive but it just fits so nicely. As alternative i would use Crystal Ball because this was its original purposse.

Jhoira's Timebug i just realy realy like this card it might not be the best but u can use it to lock Out of Time on the board due to it being able to Tap b4 your upkeep so u can basicly lock a time counter card on 1 or use it to speed up your slew of other options

Heroes Remembered is also a nice safetynet against direct damage decks.

Dust of Moments is your pressure tool cause it will eat counters from ALL the cards not just from one card like Fury Charm , Jhoira's Timebug , Rift Elemental Its importatnt to remember the Phrase "after your combat Phase is over i play..." since phased out creatures dont have summoning sickness (i think (confirm?))

One thing u can do is play Resurgent Belief 2 turns b4 Heroes Remembered enters the game to sync them up - the turn after play Sanguine Bond - due to you being able to decide how the stack resolves even if you opponent destroys Sanguine Bond u will get it back b4 Heroes Remembered enters play

Reality Strobe keeps artefacts and enchantments away atleast somewhat it can also bounce Out of Time if u need to capture more creatures or reset its timer. Bouncing nonstandart lands which require life payment, come into play tapped or require other sacs also slows your opponent considerably. Other upside is bouncing Gemstone Mine for new counters.

Paradox Haze UUUH SHINY only just found this near the end of deck building! just needs more Orchards now to keep the counters on Out of Time high

Tolaria West can tutor Profane Tutor , Ancestral Vision , Resurgent Belief , Mox Tantalite its not great of u draw it early but great of u draw it later into the game and realy need an answer or certain color of mana or if your enchantments got removed.

Forbidden Orchard seems bad at first sight turns out its pritty good for Out of Time because it moves up the counter - down side is opponent can sac it for Curse of the Cabal i like it though - just gotta make sure to get the tokens with Out of Time b4 they get sac'ed - which happens automaticly if u use it to pay for Out of Time

Emergence Zone can be used to Flash Vito, Thorn of the Dusk Rose or Sanguine Bond infront of your Heroes Remembered should all else fail you. again u can abuse the fact that your lands untap b4 Heroes Remembered returns from exile.

Obscura Storefront well if you are new and wondering - having a land fetch a land improves overall deck card draw quality because u dont get dead land draws + it fetches the color u want sadly i am to poor for a good one which would leave the played land untapped such as Prismatic Vista but this one will do... not like i am playing this srsly- a little better and still a bit cheaper but still not the best would be Fabled Passage i think ill throw it into the maybe pile


Teferi, Master of Time is nice card draw and uneffected by the Phase out - he is basically defensive bait because u dont care about him at all for your gameplan but he looks hella scary

Solitary Confinement i kinda of like this - also lets u discard Sanguine Bond for Resurgent Belief

Negate easly replaces Delay since your dont realy care about creatures i just think Delay is more thematic

Crystal Ball if u can think of abetter card quality card tell me

Sol Talisman or Lotus Bloom didnt realy figure out if mox is best shrug and Mox Tantalite is pritty expensive


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Same Deck as 17-09-23-the-clock-is-ticking i just took out all the red cards

Overall i think this version will be WEAKER since u dont gave anymore artefact removal and cant dump 5 mana into Timecrafting to get things done fast, nor do u get the chip damage from Arc Blade


Timecrafting -> Clockspinning

Arc Blade -> Chronomantic Escape or Reality Strobe

Fury Charm -> Timebender

Fevered Visions -> Ancestral Vision


99% Casual


Date added 9 months
Last updated 8 months

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

3 - 0 Mythic Rares

24 - 10 Rares

16 - 3 Uncommons

8 - 3 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 4.62
Folders Now this i like
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